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CO for iPad / IQ4



  • Official comment
    Jack W

    Yes, for clarity and to update this thread, you can shoot tethered with IQ4 digital backs (over Wi-Fi or with an ethernet cable) but not on any other digital backs.

    Reposting the link Ulf Liljegren left so that it stays pinned:

  • Jack W

    Hi Jakob Bosch - Phase One systems are incompatible with Capture One for iPad, both wired and wireless. We're working on providing support with the advent of iOS 16.

  • Jakob Bosch



    thank you. Thats a very sad thing.

  • Roger Mastroianni

    Has there been any update as to when Capture One for iPad will be compatible with the IQ4? iOS 16 has been out for a couple of months now.

  • Ulf Liljegren

    Someone pointed at this thread.. and it has been available for quite some time now.


  • hollywoodstills

    Hey Jack W it's been two years (or more) since you have been working on supporting the single camera that started the journey of Phase and gave C1 a rebirth.  

    When will C1 support iq3?  Why does it seem like our cameras -- 50k+ are now bricked wirelessly yet, you can figure out how to connect every other camera in the world?

  • Jack W

    hollywoodstills It's a fair question, albeit not something I'm directly responsible for, nor understand fully the technical reasons why this hasn't yet happened.

    Please leave your feedback here so that it can be properly documented. I'd encourage all other Phase One users to do the same.


  • Theodore Chorianopoulos

    hollywoodstills Part of the problem here is that the IQ3 digital backs are missing a USB protocol that needs to be installed in the iOS so the camera will be recognized by the iPad but apparently the iOS is not allowing these kind of changes (e.g. install new drivers etc.) 

    I hope this answers your question


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