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Mac OS ventura



  • Official comment
    Jack W

    Sorry for being late on this topic – we should have responded sooner with some sort of explanation.

    As Ian Wilson mentions, we rarely implement support 'right away' for new Mac OS, this is because we also need time and the resources to ensure that we can say with 100% satisfaction, that a new OS is fully supported.

    We do not recommend updating as soon as a new release is available. Not only for compatibility reasons, but for stability, too. Upgrading/updating your OS as soon as it becomes available can be a real workflow breaker.

    I recommend keeping an eye on these pages and hitting 'follow'  so that you are always up to date with the system requirements (found in the release notes)

    It's always good practice to read these before updating/upgrading your OS, buying a new machine, or when considering an upgrade to a newer version of Capture One.

  • David Toose

    C1 always advise not to upgrade until they agree it works. Hopefully, the wait will be short!

  • paul schefz

    I don't understand. apple has been releasing betas for months, Ventura has been running completely stable for weeks, how is compatible version not ready the day of the release?

  • Douglas Lucock

    Works fine for me on C1 22 Pro (v15.4.1.7(aa55143)) on 15" Macbook Pro 2017 3.1GHz Quad-Core Intel Core I7 with 16GB 2133MHz RAM(LPDDR3) and 2TB SSD, Graphics: - Radeon Pro 560 4GB (with Intel HD Graphics 630 1536 MB) running today's public release Ventura 13.0.


  • Shane Baker

    Works fine for me on C1 22 Pro (v15.4.1.7(aa55143)) on 15" Macbook Pro 2017 3.1GHz Quad-Core Intel Core I7 with 16GB 2133MHz RAM(LPDDR3) and 2TB SSD, Graphics: - Radeon Pro 560 4GB (with Intel HD Graphics 630 1536 MB) running today's public release Ventura 13.0.

    Yep. working on my Apple Silicon M1 Max Apple Studio as well. 

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    I don't understand. apple has been releasing betas for months, Ventura has been running completely stable for weeks, how is compatible version not ready the day of the release?

    The reason usually given for this is that Apple can (and sometimes does) change the code from the beta to the final release at the last minute. Until a final version is released there is no guarantee that what worked with the beta will still work. 

    It is rarely necessary to upgrade to the latest version of MacOS as soon as it is released and many of us are content to wait to update MacOS until we know that all our software will be OK with it. (I appreciate that there are difficulties sometimes when people buy a new computer because it comes with the latest MacOS whether you want it to or not.)


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Also, as we see just from the few comments in this thread, the fact that it works fine for one user is no guarantee that it will work fine for another - everyone's system is different.


  • Kassur

    Works fine here (MacBook Pro 2019). No problems, no spreed issues, no artefacts.



  • Norbert Willms

    C1 22 does not open on Mac Mini (M1 2020)!


  • Eli Turner

    After installing Ventura would not ope on my 2019 i9 iMac.  Downloading the installer again and overwriting seems to have fixed it...for me.


    No issues at all after updating my M1 MBP.  Weird.

  • FirstName LastName

    Capture One wouldn't open after updating my MBP (2017) to MacOS Ventura. After downloading the latest installer (CaptureOne22.Mac.15.4.1) and replacing the program, it opened again and the issue was solved.

  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

    C1 22 does not open on Mac Mini (M1 2020)!


    Did posting that help in any way, given that the solution to the problem had already been pointed out several times by the time you posted?

  • Norbert Willms

    Ok. Installing the latest version resolved the problem! Thank you!



  • Michael Mazzola

    Just installed Ventura 13.0 yesterday. C1 22 has run flawlessly since (knock on wood of course)

    edit: I should have also noted the following: Ventura installed on M1 Max 32GB MBP

  • HJR-Hard

    C1 not working on macbook pro m1.

  • Marcus Åkesson


    Capture One didn´t work for me either. I re-installed CO1 and now it works fine.


    Hope it helps!



  • Francis Freychet

    Marcus, but do you loose like the styles and preferences that you made? If you re-install it I mean


  • Marcus Åkesson

    Frances, I didn´t lose any preferences or styles. I downloaded CO1 again and just reinstalled it on top of the old program.


    I will not guarantee however that it will work as smooth for you as it did for me.... :)


  • Matthias Wulff

    capture one pro 22 doesn't start after Ventura update. Lightroom works. Need tethered Shoot. so looking for another software

  • wrsnthl

    There's actually non update Ventura or Capture One which will the crash. MacBookPro2019 with Intel I7.

  • Volker Christoffel

    CO22 crashes on Apple M1 Max Studio after updating to Ventura  13.0. 


  • Matthias Wulff

    Works perfect after reinstall with MacBook pro 16“ I9 and Ventura

  • paul schefz

    no issues on MBP M1max Ventura with C1 22 and C1 23 beta.


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