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I have problems to up date Capture one pro 23



  • Spicyjello

    Have you logged into Capture One and made sure to use the serial number they provide there? Also manually type the number in the field as opposed to copy and paste. 

    Hope that helps.

  • Nella Tong Scotto

    Yes I do both but nothing is happened. When I click on the Capture one icon it say that «an other license is using already impossible to use and other »

    I don't understand what is happened.

    Thank for your help.



  • Nella Tong Scotto

    I have my license and I pay for that,I don't need other, and I was waiting to up date Capture One 23 only.

    It is a little bit confusing for me.

  • Spicyjello

    Not sure if this is your situation.......

    If you are upgrading from a previous version. You will get a new serial number. The moment you buy a new version, your old serial number becomes inactive and you must activate with the new serial number provided. 

  • Raymond Chung

    I paid for a perpetual license staring from Capture One 22 Pro for Mac.

    When I download the Capture One 23, system asked me activate license code and it turn up like this...any clue that helps?


    BTW, how do I get a new license for Capture One Pro 23 for Mac?


  • Propheticus

    Nella, sounds like you either have a license for a previous version of C1 or if you already paid for an upgrade to 23 in advance and used the new license in 22 you might still have to de-activate the license in 22 before you enter it in the installation of 23. On your profile's manage license page you can see the activation history and deactivate if needed.

    Raymond, a perpetual license for 22 will work perpetually in...22.  If you want to use the new 23, you'll need to pay for an upgraded license.

    At Capture One if and when they read this; looking at the forums your licensing setup leads to a lot of confusion. If you require an internet connection and logging in to your account during activation anyway, why require a license key? Just link product eligibility to someone's account. If already activated elsewhere perhaps prompt if the user want to deactivate the old activation in favour of the one they're currently setting up.


  • Raymond Chung

    So that the COP perpetual license is more like a 16-digit annual basis golf club?

  • Propheticus

    Indeed seems perpetual in C1 speak means a ~year of patches. I get that you need to pay for a major version upgrade if you want the cool new features. Yet, when I buy a piece of software in perpetuity, I expect more than 1 year of bug fixes for existing features and support for things like OS updates.

    Looking at other IT products something between 2 to 5 years seems to be the norm. Looking at Capture One, version 21 stopped getting patches after December 2021. While bugs that were already present in 21 were fixed in patches for 22, none of those were back ported. While camera color profiles (.icc files) and film curves (.fcrv and .P1X files) could be added retroactively, even cameras released in December 2021 are not supported in C1 21 and require users to upgrade to 22 (e.g. the Sony A7 IV for which support was added in ON1-2021, is not supported in C1-21). 

    In short a perpetual license allows you to use the app as is with your current camera and current OS, hoping that no service pack or feature update breaks it.


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