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C1P 23 is disappointing and worried.



  • Nicolas Det

    As far as I understand, CaptureOne Pilot will be replaced by Live.

  • Ralph Louzon

    I'm rather disappointed with this new release and don't think I will buy this year...

    Most of the new features are related to workflow, fine, but it is not what is important to me. I expect better speed, and some basic and essential features and improvements I listed in the post here:

    And the price of the annual (and perpetual, I know) license is going crazy, €209 for the upgrade and €349 for a first buy in Europe...

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    I agree. Minute improvements/additions, while none of the important things have been addressed.

  • Nicolas Det

    Actually I like a like a lot the new stuff (but cull).

    My first wishes would be to improve stability, speed, HDR/Panorama and GPU support (my RTX is getting bored not been used by C1)

  • Benjamin Kim

    Nicolas Det/

    Capture Live can not replace Capture Pilot:

    1. Capture Pilot supports camera control and shutter which Capture Live can not do.

    2. Capture Live only works with cloud which require an internet connection while Capture Pilot does not. 

    3. Capture Live is not free but expensive.

  • maurice imhof

    Also 210.- Schweizer Franken für ein Upgrade von Capture22 auf 23. Und das nur für ein paar Funktionen. Nein Leute, das ist mir doch zu viel. Das ist ja schon Wucher.

  • PA

    I was seriously shocked at how primitive Capture One for iPad is compared to Lightroom.  I am using LR for iPad and it is incredible.  I haven't tried LR for Mac since 2012 but when I get a day off I am going to check it out.  C23 is slooow even on M1 Max with 64gb RAM. 

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    C23 is slooow even on M1 Max with 64gb RAM.

    The same here on an MBP M1 Max 64GB. Capture One becomes unresponsive for 30-40 seconds when searching. Editing keywords is bad too.

  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

    instead of what we've been asking for a long time.

    You have no idea of what "we" have been asking for, or whether this release provides it, Benjamin.

    What you want might or might not be what we want, and it would serve you well to wind your high opinion of yourself back a bit, and remember that.

    This is a best example why Capture One is failing

    That's a completely made up "fact", isn't it? Again - your opinion does not equate to any wider, acknowledged world truth. 

    In real life, many photographers I worked with complained so much too. 

    That's what's called an "appeal to authority" - the proper response to which is usually "yeah, right..."

  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

    while none of the important things have been addressed.

    And how do you know that, Thomas? You don't know what's important to anyone but you.

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    And how do you know that, Thomas? You don't know what's important to anyone but you.

    While I'm aware that your main concern in this forum is other users, and not Capture One, reading what other users than you request does in fact give an indication of what's important to other users.

    (Don't bother replying.)

  • Nicolas Det

    CaptureOne is fast and responsive on my old MBP 2012. So I guess there is something wrong on your system (?).
    Only export and HDR are slow (as expected on a 10 years old CPU)

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    As far as I understand, Capture One has always been bad at handling larger catalogues. I'm on the fourth version of Capture One since switching from Lightroom, and this has been the case with all of them, on Intel as well as Apple silicon Macs. Additionally, I've heard from Windows users that they experience the same. So as far as this issue is concerned it seems not to be specific to any one system.

    Also, I have a long-open support request about unresponsiveness when searching/filtering, and so far there's been no improvements, and no suggestions from Capture One about possible solutions to this issue. All of which seems to confirm the above.

  • Benjamin Kim

    Keith R/

    First of all, you have a long history of trolling in this forum as others already argued about this for a long long time ago. so I have no reason to listen your opinion.

    Second, what you are saying is wrong. I'm working professionally for a while with Capture One Pro and yet I'm not the only one complaining about Capture One Pro as you can see from here. My opinion? Hell, I guess you are not talking with other photographers and digital techs at all which I do regulary. They also complain so badly about Capture One Pro being poor. If I made up facts, then I would suggest that you should check other forums related to Capture One Pro.


  • Benjamin Kim

    Nicolas Det/

    It's already proven that Capture One Pro is now slower than LR Classic which is not acceptable.

  • PA

    This is why I am reconsidering subscription model. I still have 4-5 months left on annual subscription but I've paid money for a buggy product. C1 should extend subscription as a courtesy just like Amazon extended prime membership when they mishandle delivery of a package.

  • JoNo Nienaber

    Culling is a major disappointment.  

    Smart Adjustments simply does not work!!! -not even close to what is promised.... i get more accuracy copying and pasting.


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