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Capture One 23 keeps crashing when importing photos



  • Tony Lindkold

    Exact same issue here. Waiting for answer from support.

    Mac Pro - Venture 13.0.1 - 32 GB AMD Radeon Pro Vega II - 256 GB RAM

  • Shane Baker

    Waiting for answer from support.

    You do realise that this is a community of users and not C1 support?


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Vihan Shah

    If you want other forum users to help you with this, you'll have to tell us a bit more.

    For instance,

    • what version of MacOS are you on?
    • Does Capture One have the necessary access to files and folders? (When you updated to Capture One 23 you should have seen messages asking you to give Capture One access to various folders and drives.)
    • Where are you importing the images from (another folder, a memory card)?

    ... and anything else about your system that might help us understand what is going on.


  • Vihan Shah

    Hi Ian,

    • I'm running MacOS 13.0.1 on a 2019 MBP
    • Yes, it has all the necessary access
    • Importing from a folder on an external hard drive

    I'm trying to import TIFF files.

    C1 crashes every time I click the import button after selecting "pick all".

    I tried adding to catalog as well as copying into a folder.

    Both resulted in C1 crashing.


  • Spicyjello

    Have you tried browsing the files in a session? Rather than importing into a catalog at this time, try the sessions route. 



  • Vihan Shah

    - Yes, I have.

    - No, that doesn't make any difference either.

    - Yes, it's active. The Tiff files are 180 MB, I've edited similarly sized files before. Also, it seems I can't import anything, Raw files included.

    - Nothing is being reported.

    - What should I be looking for?


  • Vihan Shah

    They import into Sessions. But that can't possibly be a permanent workaround.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    I notice that the files are located on an external hard drive. I wonder whether the cause of the problem is the location of the files, or whether it is something to do with the catalog.

    If you move a few image files (or copy them if you don't want to move them) using Finder, will the catalog import them? If it does, then it's something to do with them being on an external drive. If it doesn't, then perhaps it's something to do with the catalog.


  • Stephen Wooten

    Try unchecking “exclude duplicates”. I was having the same issue and this fixed it, I assume because with a large number of files this was chewing up RAM. Hope this helps!


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