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Faster Culling



  • Victor Lipp

    David showed two uses for Fast Culling, one where he started an import from an SD card and one where he used fast culling on some files that already existed on a computer, in each case he was working with raw images. I tried to do the same as his example using already photos existing in Capture One Pro, but mine were jpeg files; my results were unimpressive; not very effective culling. My original question was does it make any difference whether using raw or jpeg files? Simple question, do you have a simple answer?  

  • Victor Lipp

    Thank you for your replies and all your work, I worked on it again today, more diligently, and I got some useful results. As I said before, I am working with some existing photos in Capture One 23 Pro and they are jpeg files. So, it does work and will be useful. Thanks again



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