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Photos app HUGE size after long session on Capture One for iPad



  • Miles

    I have the same problem. C1 took a lot of storage on iPad photos app even though I deleted C1 catalogue on Files app. Don’t know how to clear the storage on iPad.

  • FirstName LastName

    Please, review about on App Store. C1 team is not giving a **it about this.

  • Ian Forber

    Same here. I don’t really want to reset my iPad but Photos is taking an insane amount of space.

    iPad Pro 11 M1, 128MB iOS 16.2

  • nigel turley

    Commented on another thread, but yes, the same for me. I did wipe and restore my iPad in desperation, then immediately uninstalled the app and cancelled my subscription - it's been underdeveloped, and is poorly supported. Personally I don't think Capture One is getting anywhere near the revenue they expected or need to continue improving this - an average of 2 star reviews on the app store can't be good for business. 




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