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Please add supposrt for the RIcoh GR III x



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter


    I suspect that they are not more likely to add it because you have posted the same request four times. You're more likely just to antagonise forum members.


  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

    Frankly I hope his spamming counts against him.

  • peter_kleiner

    No - this has absolutely nothing to with spamming.  It's a long time since this camera is available. I hope they finally add the Rico GR IIIx. Those who use this camera are longing for CaptureOne-support.

    "We know it's been a long time coming, but hopefully this Ricoh model will be supported eventually. However, we do not have ETA or a fixed date just yet, nor we can confirm if this is going to happen for sure." as an answer by the support, makes me not very optimistic.


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