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[New License model] Dear Capture one team, did you know ...



  • Kip Vaughan

    I'm under no impression that the company somehow owes me something.

    When most people fork over vast sums of money most customers expect a lot in return. Such as a good working product or service or not having to waste time in threads like this stating obvious points.

  • C-M-B


    I've used Capture One since v.3.7 and I'm perfectly happy to continue doing so, because - not being an entitled child - I'm under no impression that the company somehow owes me something.

    Why do we owe the company "loyalty" for their schemes? Why aren't you talking about those expectations?

    I don't think it's a wise decision to be a company pet and swallow whatever they shove in your face, but then again - that's just the entitled, spoiled malcontent little me talking.

  expect more from Capture One than working software and bug fixes ...

    Yeah but they're not even doing that. Soooooo... what's your point?

  • Simone Colomba

    I am very disappointed with the behavior of the company.

    They don't listen to their customers and when they are criticized, they respond with ritual phrases, lies or they don't answer at all.

    In my country (Italy), all the content creators and all the people in the forums agree that the company's behavior is dishonest.

    The software offers less than Adobe Lightroom + Photoshop... at a much higher cost.

    They don't say if and when the new cameras and lenses will be included in the software. They don't say what and when improvements will be added.

    Nor do they guarantee corrections according to current legislation.

    If the company continues to insult the intelligence of its customers, it will close in 2 two or 3 years.

    Guys, let's start giving this company a signal: do not subscribe and do not buy Capture One until they are back to reality.


    I just got the refund of the paid license from Paypal.
    I had opened a dispute.



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