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Default Catalog



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    There is no option that you have to select. What it normally does is open the app in the same session or catalog you were in when you closed it. So I would expect it to open for you in your 2023 catalog.

    A few things to check, then.

    • In Preferences (Settings if you are on Ventura) on the Capture One menu, go to the main tab and check that the box shown here is NOT selected - this should make sure that Capture One only has one catalog or session open at once. (So if 2022 is open, and you open 2023, 2022 will close.)


    • When you close Capture One are you hitting the red button to close the catalog, or are you just quitting the app (Cmd-Q)? If you just quit the app, it should reopen in the same catalog next time.


  • Stefan Weinmann

    Thanks a lot, Ian! There is something weird going on. I'm using the red button to close and the box is unchecked. Somehow, I got the 2023 catalog to open upon start-up so I thought I'd be all set. However, after switching again to the 2022 catalog (selecting it in the Library section) and closing Capture One, now I would have the 2023 catalog upon start - even though the 2022 one was the most recent. Very strange.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    My suggestion is that you don't use the red button to close - just quit the app, it will close the catalog, and it should reopen it next time.



  • Stefan Weinmann

    This seems to work indeed - not sure I understand why it won't work with the red button, but looks like I have a way to handle it, so I'm all set. Thanks!!!

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    I think the reason why it won't work with the red button is that when you open Capture One it should re-open what was open when you closed the app, but if you'd used the red button before quitting the app, nothing was open when you closed it, so it doesn't know what to open with.



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