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Brush cursor does not show up



  • Fred Greaves

    The same thing is happening to me. All of a sudden the brush cursor is gone, and so is the curved arrow that shows when you rotate an image in crop mode. I have restarted and am experiencing this with multiple catalogs and sessions. 

  • Daniel Wood

    I am dealing with the same issue and it makes it very difficult to make edits. When I first change to the brush the brush cursor is displayed then it goes back to the pointer cursor. Same thing when I adjust the brush size, brush cursor is displayed and immediately goes back to pointer cursor. 

  • Frank Martin

    I have the same issue on 23 build

  • Travis Silverman

    Same issue here! Just updated software to 16.1.3 on Pro23. Super frustrating!

  • Raitis Petrovs

    Same for me

  • Raitis Petrovs

    Would be great to find a solution

  • Liam Cotter

    Ditto same exact problem - only fix has actually been to reboot my mac entirely. Then, it's only a matter of time before it happens again. Renders edits mostly unworkable save for the fact that I know some actions off by heart - but it makes brushing or masking almost useless.

    This has been going on for multiple versions for a fairly long time now. Slightly ridiculous. 

  • Stephen Hopkirk

    Same for me using latest version of C1 (V23 Build on a Mac Studio latest MacOS Ventura 13.4 the brush simply doesn't show and it reverts to a pointer. Still draws but I cant see where the brush edges are, editing a wedding shoot, dodging and burning using style brushes and I cant see where the brush begins and ends, nor how soft it is. 5 Months since original post C1...... You're better than this surely! 

  • Marco Perdigones

    Same issue here. Is there any solution out now? 

  • Daniel Wood

    Still happening to me on a frequent basis. I submit a ticket and included this thread in the report. Let's see if we can get this issue fixed. Has anyone else submit a ticket?

  • Marco Perdigones

    Not yet Daniel, just now it starts showing normal. So annoying. Most time if I need to fix some of my clients masks it doesn't work.

  • OddS.

    > Stephen Jung et al.: ...brush cursor(round one with plus sign on center with parameter) does not show up 

    For your information: I have referred to this thread as an example in an exchange with moderator  Jack Williams in a totally different topic

    I challenged the moderator to make company staff first responders to "problem" posts. I added your 5 months old problem as a second example of how company Capture One should not handle problem posts. Still no response from the company, not even a "click here to file a formal request for support".

    I reckon Daniel Wood got a formal response from support and will post the answer to this problem (unless the company does so first).

  • Marco Perdigones

    Very disappointing that no one of the capture one team seems to be interested responding to our problem. This post is 5 month old and no official answers yet. Most other companies have chats or at least responding mods. 

  • OddS.

    > Marco Perdigones: one of the capture one team seems to be interested

    Capture One does NOT have a support forum. The main rule is that company staff do NOT pay attention to forum posts, never mind posting a response. If a user wants a response from the company, the ONLY way is to file a request (ticket). It takes users quite some time to learn that sad fact. Countless users have posted questions and problem reports on the forum, quite a few users vent frustrations as well. For some reason users do not realize that they address fellow users only, not the company. If you want an answer from the company, file a request. It is the only way, still.

    Many users never post again if an answer from a fellow user solves their problem, causing the forum to not work like it should. I believe silence is even more typical when a user has filed a request. Thus, we may never know what it took to solve Daniel's problem.



  • Marco Perdigones

    Thanks a lot for your detailed information. Indeed, I would assume that a forum calls will be supported by capture one staff. 

    I requested a ticket already, but so far I didn't get any response. I will update this post if my problem get solved. 

  • Lotuso10

    Has anyone found the solution? This has just started happening to me I am using

    I will request a ticket. I have to agree with other posts - the support from Capture One is abysmal especially when compared to the support I receive when required from Adobe.

  • Vail Fucci

    I am still having this same issue I am running  This has been an issue for well over a year for me. Would LOVE a solution!

  • Stephen Hopkirk

    I can give an update from my efforts if that helps. 

    I reported the bug to C1 and it was accepted as such but was escalated as first line could not resolve it. I carried on doing my own research as whilst not happening all the time the bug would keep coming back which of course is a nuisance.

    I noticed one day that the same thing happened using Affinity Photo which was a first with that program. Internet forums suggested people had also experienced the same issue on PS at various times.

    Anyway, I saw one suggestion that was linked to the Tablet driver conflicting and causing the problem we are experiencing. I have an XPEN DEC001 V2 so checked the drivers for that and sure enough there were newer driver version available. I installed it and the brush/cursor problem went away (or so I thought).

    I gave this feedback to C1 support and was able to use C1 without problem until I installed the latest update and the problem remerged. I have tried using C1 without the tablet and up to now I do not get the problem, I will see what happens when I start using it again.

    Anyway, I use a Mac Studio latest Apple OS  - it would be helpful to know if other people experiencing the problem are using MacOS too, or is it also on Windows computers,  and if they have a tablet or other pointing device installed which could be causing a conflict? 

    Hope that helps, if anybody does come up with a 100% solution then please share it here. 

  • FirstName LastName

    Not sure if everyone has found a solution to this or not, but I discovered that for me, the issue was having both C1 and Photoshop open at the same time. (I am guilty of constantly having at least 3 adobe apps open all the time lol) As soon as I closed PS, my brush cursor came right back. Hope this is helpful!

  • Wim Woeber

    Absolutely helpful. Exit Photoshop and the tool tips are back.

    MacOS 14.7.1 Capture One PS 16.0.0

  • Anna Hodges

    Right before I saw this post, I did the update thinking that's what I needed to do and installing that did not fix it. Thanks for your update and that totally worked for me too. Which is pretty ridiculous considering they have an option to edit within photoshop as you shoot. It has also never been an issue for me; having both open until now- and then it suddenly decides it can't appear unless Photoshop is closed? 

    Also, regarding the "tech support"- they don't give a crap. I submitted a ticket for an issue and didn't hear back for a long time. They are in another country, so the response time is at odd hours. When someone finally did respond to the ticket, they kept telling me "If you don't respond to this email we will have to close your ticket.". I would respond to the email- and 3 times that was the response. I just gave up. 

  • Stephen Hopkirk

    For me it’s when I use the graphics tablet. Don’t use it, cursor is fine, use it, intermittent problems.


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