Crop ratios reset please
I am still having issues. No luck so far.
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Try the following
Select Window → WorkSpace → Default
Check the Crop tool, all the aspect ratios should have returned.
Then Select Window → WorkSpace → your original workspace
The crop aspect ratios should still be there
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Thank you! I will try that!
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If you have created custom aspect ratios, they will be saved at
Library/Application Support/Capture One/Aspect Ratios x.y
(I say x.y because I think it depends on what version you were on when you started saving custom aspect ratios. Mine says Aspect Ratios 8.2, but I suspect that for others the number may be different.)
Anyway, at that location you should find a file called User Aspect Ratios.xml. If your aspect ratios are missing, you could try restoring that .xml file from a Time Machine or similar backup. (Save a copy of the one that is there at the moment first, obviously.)
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Ian, thanks for the note. I will definitely check it out. Ligia
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Ian, is there another solution?
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Do you ask that because
- you couldn't locate the folder in the Library?
- you tried it and it didn't work?
- you don't have a backup you can restore from?
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I couldn’t locate the folder.
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Sorry if I am telling you something you already know...
By default, Macs hide the Library folder. To see it you can open a Finder window, select the Go menu and hold down the Option (Alt) key. You should then be able to see it.
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Thank you for your kind notes and replies. I managed to get into the library by your explanations. Sadly, I could not locate the file Aspect Ratios.xml. I reinstalled the software from my backup/time machine, and the problem still there. I am unable to access my crop ratios the tool seems to be disabled. As you can see in the images, All the ratios are grayed, and unable to be click or move around. Same situation in the second image, the Crop Outside is grayed and unable to be click nor to be able to select the ratios. Thanks again for your kind attentions to my problem, Ligia
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Do not asked how, but some how I fix the crop issue. It is working now! Thanks for all your help.
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