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Authentication Failed !!



  • Patrick hollingsworth

    You are not alone. Not sure of reason for sign- in action I already have a key 


  • Thysje Arthur

    I have the same problem...


  • Russell Becker

    As do I.  DxO PhotoLap 6.x is starting to look better.

  • Eddie

    I even re-installed to no avail.  If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.  Any word from Capture One? 

  • Eddie

    Trying free trial of DxO Photolab now

  • Eddie

    Since web browser pops up for authentication I changed my default browser from Chrome to Edge and it worked 

  • Russell Becker

    That is nice, but my default web browser is FireFox and I have no intention of changing it just for this.

  • Kumsa Jack

    Here's the tech-support answer which I find bizarre. I'll spec out my response in a follow-up:

    Let's go through the steps below to fix it:

    • Make sure you are connected to the internet. Typically, disconnecting and reconnecting your internet connection should resolve it. In some cases, it will require a full router reset (this will refresh the DNS used);
    • Refrain from using VPNs when activating Capture One;
    • Whitelist CaptureOne.exe from firewall applications that might be blocking the connection;
    • Check that there are no overrides in your hosts file (This article describes how to do that);
    • Uninstall and reinstall the application;
    • If something is still blocking your connection, try renaming the file from Capture One to Capture One;
    • If nothing from the above-mentioned options helped, try creating a new user on your workstation, which won't have those restrictions.

    I switched my default browser to Safari (using a Mac) and it worked. I was using Chrome.

  • Blake Griffin

    I'm on Safari and mine still failed.

  • Thysje Arthur

    I use Edge and it failed. But this is not a browser issue. I want to know if you all are on a Perpetual licence like me and don't need to do anything (according to CO) until September because you purchased it in the last 12 months? 

    This issue seemed to tie in with the new 'Loyalty' program which became active the same time. 

  • Kittanate Petwaikun

    I got this problem as well, and it starts to get annoying.

  • Ulrich Roxburgh

    I had the same error just now. I uninstalled and then re-installed, and still had the error. I then selected the CaptureOne icon, and right-clicked the mouse and selected "Run as Administrator". This time it ran through the activation successfully. Hope this helps...


  • Thysje Arthur

    Ulrich, didn't work for me. I still get the message:

    And when I click to sign in, I get the error message in the browser. I just click on 'Remind me later' now. Sooner or later there will be a fix for this bug. I still think it's to do with a hiccup bringing in the Loyalty program. 

  • Ulrich Roxburgh

    I think the difference is that I uninstalled, and then when I re-installed I used "Run as Admin" to perform the activation. It sounds like to me you are just going back into the program and getting the "Please sign-in" message. 

    If you don't want to uninstall, deactivate the license (from the License dialog from the Help menu), and then when you re-start the application, use "Runas Administrator"

  • Thysje Arthur

    Just deactivating the license didn't work. So I did what you did and uninstalled etc. So far so good!

    Thank you! 

  • Brent

    Same issue with me! Below are my actions thus far with no success


    Run as administrator

    Used several different browers to sign-on, but after "logging in" I received the following error "This site can't be reached"
    Deactivated licence/reactivated
    Changed password
    Uninstalled and reinstalled the previous version of C1

  • Kumsa Jack

    The application authentication runs via HTTP through the browser. What's puzzling is that I have no problem simply authenticating to C1 on the web. The endpoint for an oauth authentication is the same ( Maybe I should run a fiddler trace.

  • Russell Becker

    Still getting this message.  Rebooted router, rebooted PC, updated C1 to 16.1.0. 

  • Thysje Arthur

    I've had no problems since I uninstalled C1, then reinstalled it. I then re-started C1 using 'Run as Administrator'.


  • Russell Becker

    OK, the key is to Run As Administrator so that you can complete the authentication process.  You don't have to re-install, reboot your PC, or reboot your router.  It seems that C1 no longer has WRITE permission to the folder that it stores this setting in as a normal user.  Once you have done this, you can revert to a normal launch process.

    This is under Windows 10 FWIW.

  • Kumsa Jack

    Thank you for being patient, I had intended to update this issue.

    For those that are having an authentication problem, I do recommend opening a ticket.

    In my instance, the issue was resolved on the backend. Here's the response from C1 Tech Support:
    TechSupport (Capture One)

    Feb 21, 2023, 13:23 GMT+1

    Hi Jack,
    Thanks for your patience,
    You'll be pleased to know that the issue you are referring to has been fixed by our engineers, meaning you should now be able to activate your license and authenticate your account without running into this error. You can rest assured that it isn't just for this instance :)

  • Kumsa Jack

    Russell, your logic is very appealing for "run as administrator". One other account holder tried it and still wasn't able to authenticate (see above). My initial install was done with admin rights, always worked as normal. When I had the authentication problem, I did not try the "run as administrator." When my authentication issue was resolved the techsupport ticket identified a backend fix. 
    So, I like your summary, but there are other indicators that the authentication problem might have different root causes. Basically, the same authentication failure might occur for a variety of reasons. I think you are right in identifying one of them.

  • Marielle Stobie

    I have run into an error that I haven't been able to find any information about. While browsing my photos, I'll (seemingly randomly) click an image and a dialogue will pop up prompting me to sign in with my credentials in order to continue. Not only this, but the same dialogue will pop up many more times, layering each on top of the other. When I click to sign in online, I either run into one of two scenarios: 1. I sign in and am allowed to continue with my session with a page that says

    "Authentication complete
    You may now close this window"

    ...only for the same error to occur an hour later,

    or 2. the link takes me to either a blank page that won't load or to an error page. I am a paid member and have had this happen on two shoots in front of clients. Not a good look.

    Please advise.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Marielle Stobie - it's possible that something peculiar to your setup is causing this. Have you raised a support case?


  • DD

    This is absurd. I have same problem can not work anymore on my project, constant pupups and cant do anything, popups goes on each other then only option is to end-task capture one.

    This started after latest update, never happened before for years.

  • Robert Millette

    I bought a license 3 days ago and have a similar issue. I tried EVERY possible solutions found here and on Reddit with no luck. I reinstalled so many time I can't count. I erased every folders and even cleaned up my registry between every single reinstall. My Firewall does not block anything, my host files is empty and if I try to "ping" I get "Request Timed Out" every times.

    I am new to Capture One and its very very frustrating. I am a Lightroom user but I recently bought a Fujifilm X-T5 and it seems Lightroom does not like Fujifilm raw files. The length at which I have to go to make this work is a joke! Is this a serious company ? I opened a ticked and I still did not receive any answer from them.

    Sorry for my bad English writing

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Please open support cases for license issues.

  • Robert Millette

    I did its written in my message. I am still waiting for an answer. While I wait, I can't work!

  • Marielle Stobie

    It didn't work for me but something you can try is creating a second user account on your computer. Then access capture one from there and try to sign in. Support recommended trying this method to narrow down the issue. I'm thinking it has to do with how far I am from my router, honestly. When I scroll through the images very quickly I get the sign out error but if I do it slowly I don't. Stabbing in the dark here.


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