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C1 23 has a memory leak



  • Official comment
    Jack W

    The 16.2.2 update we released yesterday should fix this issue. You can download it here.

  • Andrea Thode

    OSX 12.3, Capture, still a huge problem

  • Christian Jimenez


    I've just had the same issue when on set with 2x 27" 4K Monitors+iPad, 2021 MacBookPro 16" M1 Max/64GB/4TB/ Monterey 12.3 using C1 16.2.0112. I was trying to optimise memory by shutting down every other app but C1. (not the latest MacOS nor C1 version, I know but read below)

    I've had this message approximately twice a day saying the computer was out of ram memory (over 70GB RAM) when on set dealing with a large amount of folders containing a fair amount of pictures (sometimes up to 600).

    It didn't happened when shooting. But only when browsing pictures and selecting pictures. When the message popped up, it was already too late, totally frozzed the computer and needed to force restart the machine, losing the color tags and stars having been done in the last 5-10 minutes prior to the crash :/  Not really professional in front of the Clients, Art Directors, Photographers,...

    I'm thinking of going back to CO22 or even CO21 which was way more stable and reliable and had a way much better UI not the Lightroom/childish style which is not so professional anymore :(

    I know a lot a Digitechs having had the same issue but decided to not report it yet. The thing is, we professionals, using C1 on a daily basis, don't need to upgrade our systems every month or even twice a year. We are often still using CO21 or CO22 because our machines are populated by softwares used in a professional environment. Deciding to upgrade the OS or only ONE program can have a terrible effect on the whole ecosystem. Stability, reliability and performance is the key.

    Hope this issue will be fixed soon otherwise, we — the daily users — will be more reluctant than ever to stick to your monthly subscription or any other update if it has not being tested on a full scale for at least 6 months.

    Thanks in advance !


    A Professional Digital Technician 

  • Frank Schroeter

    When you contact our Support, please include your Capture One logs (username/Library/Application Support/Logs), System Report (About This Mac > More Info > System Report) and Analysis of the Capture One process when it is paused due to RAM consumption (Activity Monitor > select process > select Sample Process from the three-dots-button in the top bar of Activity Monitor).

  • Ji���_ Kala

    I have the same problem with the latest version 16.1.1. And I have already reported it. Since 16.1.x CO1 is quite unstable.

  • Konstantin Odin

    Same Issue here.

    MacBook Pro 14" M1 Pro 16GB of Ram, but 50GB+ issued by CaptureOne 16.1, 16.1.1 and 16.2. On MacBook Pro 16" and 64GB of Ram, it stays around 50GB. its super slow, but kind of usable.

    PhaseOne Support is already activated, but only asked for update and that they are not able to reproduce.


  • Frank Schroeter

    Konstantin Odin, do you get a warning that Capture One does not react due to low memory (See screen shot further up in the thread)? If not, you have not hit the bug discussed here. Merely using 50GB out of 64GB available is not a bug per se.

  • Sebastian Zell

    Hello Community,

    same problem in our Studio.

    Different Systemversions of MacOS with M1 with newest version of Capture One 23 running full on program memory.

    I found kind a "hot fix" solution to slow the process of running full down:

    Go to settings and scale down the preview image size at least to 1024 or even to lowest 640.

    Memory is still running full, but much much slower.

  • Sebastian Zell

    Frank Schroeter, as I figuered out memory is already freed after Capture One is quit.

    I think the source of the problem are the thumbnails.
    The memory only fills up when new photos are added. When shooting is paused, the memory does not increase either.

    With the reduction of the size of the thumbnails, the problem still occurs, but not as fast.
    I think Capture One does not manage to "forget" created thumbnails.

    Similarity to the current problem is marking a folder as favorite, where the folder remains "loaded" and ready at any time.
    Could this also be the cause of the current problem, that every folder is treated like a favorite folder?

  • Sebastian Zell

    Frank Schroeter I discovered, that the memory used get reduced by deleting previously shoot files. I guess thats again an indication to the preview images.


    Has Capture One found any possible reasons for the memory leak?

    When can we expect a fix to that problem?

  • Ray Hardy

    Unfortunately has made this issue even worse.

    Mac Studio ultra running 12.6.3

  • Frank Schroeter

    We have further memory-related changes in the pipeline, but they will not make it into 16.2.1. If you are still affected, please check out 16.2.2 when that comes.

  • Scott Heldorf

    My only current solution has been to roll back to C1 22. The current C1 23 is unusable on my system in a professional envionment.

    I would highly suggest any other photo professionals & digi-ops like myself to contact the C1 Customer service team and request a reduction in your monthly subscription. I have done this now and I am waiting on hearing back from them with an update. 
    Maybe some financial pressure from customers will expediate the resolution process.

  • Graham Austin

    Having a similar issue on a maxed out M2 MacBook Pro. This seems to be a common issue among everyone I know. 

  • Will Twort

    Hey all - same issue for me been happening for a while now and my assistant (rightly) keeps getting annoyed that I have not complained to C1 about it. I shoot several times per week and it was happening about 3 times per shoot since updating to C1 23... now thanks to a so called fix suggestion/update after raising a ticket with C1 support it happens 5-6 times per shoot. I have gotten used to closing it and reopening it quickly but as everyone else has said this is not good enough. I have my clients following along on their laptops with the online capture pilot and the connection keeps being interrupted when I have to close and open again. Also if I fail to notice that it has popped up with the force quit dialogue box and continue shooting it completely crashes my mac and have to hard restart it. No Bueno. 


  • Will Twort

    Problem seems to be fixed this time! No issues no crashes

  • Will Twort

    Shot the whole day without one crash. Thank you :)

  • Ray Hardy

    Same issue on the Mac Studio Ultra

  • FirstName LastName

    Same here on M1 Max with 64 GB RAM, OS 13.2.

    I was hoping build would fix the memory issue, but same forced-quit issue happens at least 2-3 times per shoot. Capture 23 is terribly, unacceptably, unstable. 

  • Help Desk

    Same here. So so painful when work stoppage is not an option.

  • Frank Schroeter

    Andrea Thode, you are not on the latest version of Capture One. Try updating to 16.1.1. If the problem persists, please file a support case with the details I mentioned above.

    You also want to update to at least the latest Monterey version, if not Ventura. 

  • FirstName LastName

    @Konstantin Odin drift hunters

    Thank you for the helpful post!

  • Konstantin Odin

    Frank Schroeter jupp, that it exactly the point - system out of memory.

    the other information is just an addition, that in my case, the memory is capped at around 50ish GB (I believe the max I have seen was 52GB on both mashines)

  • Frank Schroeter

    Konstantin Odin, can you send us a Sample of the hanging Capture One process, then? That may help to identify the root cause.

  • Konstantin Odin

    Frank Schroeter do you have access to Case Number: CAS-00011364 CRM:0295000000141? There are some log files and other data. I will get you a fresh sample, as soon as I got the issue again. 

    what's your preferred way of sending data to this case? Copy Paste it here or send you all the data via a transfer link?


  • Frank Schroeter

    Konstantin Odin, I do not have access to Phase One support cases, as Capture One and Phase One are separate companies. But I am in contact with James, who handles your case. That said, this is unlikely to be a Phase One camera issue, we have reports from users of other cameras as well.

    The Sample file will likely be large. I suggest you upload it to a cloud service of your choice and send a link to

  • Frank Schroeter

    We have managed to reproduce this in-house as well now and are looking for the root cause.

  • Scott Heldorf
    Since updating to the latest version (16.1.2) I have had terrible issues with CaptureOne crashing due to running out of memory.
    For context, I regularly digi-op on e-comm shoots where we might put upwards of 3000 photos throught the session with a Canon R5 shooting Raw files.
    I havent had a problem running these sessions at all previously, but now after 15 minutes or so of shooting C1 either crashes or I have to restart it to clear the memory.
    This is obviously a really frustrating process when trying to get through a lot of images in a day!
    My macbook is a 2022 14" M1 with 16GB of ram, clean install with nothing else on the system apart from C1 and Adobe Suite programs.
    I have tried removing C1 completely and reinstalling fresh, even the previous version, but today I am still having the same issue...
    I am running a memory monitor, and it sits on about 15-18% until the photos start coming into the computer, then sky-rockets to almost 100% and doesn't return unless I restart the program.

    I didn't get a chance to screenshot the crash error message today I'm afriad, but definitely sounds like it was the same as other people in this thread.
  • Frank Schroeter

    Scott Heldorf, how does it behave when you set Preview Size to 640?

  • Scott Heldorf

    Frank Schroeter, it takes a few minutes longer but ends up maxing out RAM again.

    Any update on this? This is a critical part of my business as a digital operator on set.
    I have had to uninstall C23 completely and go back to C22 now. I have a big e-comm shoot on Wednesday so I will have to cross my fingers and hope like hell it's ok.


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