Option to give variants a name that shows up in the browser
Not currently plannedWhat problem do you see this solving?
As it is, there's no way of distinguishing variants in the browser, other than by their automatically assigned numerical labels:
It would make it much easier to tell variants apart if you could give each of them a name that would be displayed in the browser.
Being able to name variants would also make it less likely that you accidentally edit the wrong variant.
As mentioned below (this comment), such variant names should be available as a token for exporting.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
I'm affected by this almost every time I use Capture One.
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?
I know of no workarounds other than using colour tags, but their use is limited, and they don't really solve the problem.
Are you happy to be contacted further about this suggestion or request?
Official comment
Hi everyone,
Thank you for the suggestion - this is not something we are currently working on.This does not mean this is a bad suggestion or that it will never be adressed, but in an effort of transparency we want you to know that we are not currently allocating resources to solving this issue.
We will revisit the status of this thread if and when it changes.
This variant "name" should also be available as a token for exporting.
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Class A Posts receive a label when they are viewed and/or considered by a Product Manager.
If a post hasn't had a label applied, it means it has not been seen by the relevant PM.
My personal expectation is that every post should receive a response, even if that is "Not currently planned"
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+1 - Been wondering why this isn't a feature since I joined c1 when Aperture was discontinued.
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This variant "name" should also be available as a token for exporting.
I've added this.
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I support this request.
How does this new forum improve on the old one, if there are suggestions for improvement like this one that do not receive any label?
In your pinned "What do the labels on my post mean?" post you explain what specific labels mean, but you do not specify what it means if a suggestion for improvement keeps ageing without receiving a label. What, if anything, should one infer if a suggestion for improvement has not receive a label within a month? Should one expect all suggestions for improvement to receive a label at one point in time or are there some who are destined to remain uncategorised indefinitely?
Many thanks in advance for your answer.2 -
Thanks a lot for your helpful reply.
I very much appreciate your response, as it could have been considered "off-topic" for the request at hand here.
I very much agree with you that every post should receive a label, even if it turns out to be "Not currently planned". It would be the most respectful approach. I hope product managers get around to assigning a label to each request in the not too distant future. It would help to develop a sense of one's investment into C1 being justified.
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Disappointed to see that this long-needed and reasonably simple option has no priority.
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also disappointed. As "armchair programmer" I would describe the task as followed:
- Create additional metadata called "Variant-Name" (specific to the variant)
- make room in the browser for one line to display this text-string
- create menu item under "Customize Browser" to show/hide such "details"
- create token linked to "Variant-Name" for naming of the exported files
for comparison, Lightroom's library view options looked like this ten years ago:
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I am glad this 4 year old request is getting some engagement & energy from more creative C1 users! Mathieu B what if you just change the data type of the Version field from number to charcater and generate the id as is and then leave it up to the user to type in a short char descr. just an idea. thanks Olaf @vonPlatenphoto
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I also need the feature of naming a Variant. This is possible in Lightroom and is very useful for keeping track of what each Variant is for.
It has complicated my import of my Lightroom catalog since none of the Clone names transferred.
Naming a variant is also important because when you place an image into an Album within your Capture One catalog, it places ALL Variants plus the original into the Album, not just the selected Variant, making data management extremely cumbersome since you now have to reverse engineer what each Variant is, as well as which Variant you actually need in the Album.
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… when you place an image into an Album within your Capture One catalog, it places ALL Variants plus the original into the Album, not just the selected Variant …
This behaviour has been changed not so long ago, I don't remember with what version. You can now add a single variant to an album without also adding all other variants of the same image. At least this is an improvement.
Another thing. With no snapshot function like the one in Lightroom, the only way of saving different versions of an image while editing is to make new variants – which you have no way of distinguishing between in the browser.
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Class A Not at all. Definitely on topic and appreciate the tag :)
Completely agree. I would love every request to have a response, but I'm also conscious of the PM team providing valuable feedback instead of just "checking the box" - it's a fine balance and one that we're continuously looking at improving.
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I would also like to have the ability to name / label variants.
e.g. I am experimenting with printing directly from C1 and it would be very helpful to be able to name variants with the paper for which I have adjusted it.
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If this is OK, I would like to also include a GIF taken from "Lightroom-guy", which displays Lightroom's 3 modes of detail density in the browser:
so there's a clean view, a standard view, and a very detailed mode and you can customize which metadata you want to see. You quickly cycle through them with a shortcut.
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This would be really useful on Export.
At the moment, I have to fiddle around in metadata to create different variant names (I use “Job Description”). And sometimes I forget 🤷♂️1 -
it places ALL Variants plus the original into the Album, not just the selected Variant
This critical change happened 1 year ago with version 16.0 (aka COPv23)
With 16.0, I finally had to redo all the Lightroom catalog conversions, because they were all messed up until then.
Why are there such fundamental differences in otherwise so similar software-tools? I understand if they have differences in quality, speed, extended features,... but basic things like file handling in catalogs?
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woefi I tend to agree. It can be frustrating when what seems like such basic functionality doesn't get addressed. Best we can do is keep this chat alive, and grow the support around it. Seems like C1 is coming around on the the idea Dynamic Colour Range masks, or at least trying to learn more about the request, so these forums do help. (https://support.captureone.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/9798547076893-Please-make-it-possible-to-dynamically-non-destructively-define-a-Color-Range-as-it-is-already-possible-with-Luma-Range-?page=2#community_comment_14844434501661)
Thomas Kyhn The change to only put the selected variant into an album is very welcomed. It's helping my organization alot.
But yeah I'd love to have some sort of meta-tag for variant name that can be displayed in the browser as well as tokenized. I too am using JobName as a clunky workaround, but it's beyond just exporting. I find it very difficult sometimes to remember which Style I applied to a variant because the style name doesn't appear anywhere, and I find keywords are too buried for this purpose. Being able to Name the variant for different purposes is a huge Quality of Life upgrade when using C1. I often have multiple multiple variants for different Crop Sizes for different platforms, and style versions on top of that.
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