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C1 Live - Pass Comments from client Live session to C1




  • Official comment
    Mathieu B
    Product Manager

    Update: this is now officially available starting from version 16.3

  • David Fay

    I thought this was already an option within Live. I've been thinking about signing up, and this is exactly the functionality I would want to have to make it useful

  • Don

    I think comments are only available on the Live cloud for access to rate.   While the rating and color tag is passed back to C1, Comments are not.   This means us photographers need to go to the cloud and somehow manage comments manually.   For large shoots with many comments, this can become difficult.

  • David Fay

    If it could just automagically dump into the description metadata field (or they could even make a new field just for live) that would be super useful. Adding the ability to search/filter for keywords within that would also help a lot.

  • Mathieu B
    Product Manager

    Hi Don, 

    This is correct, for now comments only reside in the browser - this is not satisfactory for us either.

    It is definitely in the long list of features we want to add to Capture One Live, and quite high on the priority list, but as of today we cannot communicate a specific timeframe for it. But rest assured it is our intention to deliver this feature.

  • J6ones

    I would love to see keyword functionality in Live. That’s a huge deal for my workflow. My delivery time could be cut in half or in a quarter if I could have collaborators keyword images via the Live browser.

  • Kelly Lane

    This is great news to find out this is in the works. Not sure if it is planned, but a way to be able to filter to see just the images with comments, like how we filter starred images would be so useful.

  • Mathieu B
    Product Manager

    Hi Kelly Lane, thankjs for your suggestion! 
    This will not be possible in the first version of this tool unfortunately, but we have this in mind for the future :)

  • Kelly Lane

    Mathieu B Thanks for the update. Will there be any sort of indicator as to which images have notes? Basically if I am shooting 250 images and the art director is on live making comments, I want to be able to see the notes easily without going back through each image to find them. Currently we have a separate chatbox open and he screenshots images and sends.Thanks!

  • Mathieu B
    Product Manager

    Kelly Lane yes, our intention is to have an indicator :)

  • Peter Uhlemann

    What is the status of that feature request? -- I need comments synches back to C1 desktop in order to be useful for my work.

  • Mathieu B
    Product Manager

    Peter Uhlemann this is coming with 16.3 :)

  • Mathieu B
    Product Manager

    Hi everyone, thanks again for the suggestions, this has been released today with version 16.3. We really appreciate your feedback on this. 

    There are tons of other exciting features in 16.3, you can check the whole release note here: 

  • Peter Uhlemann

    Thanks, Mathieu, great news! I will check out all the new features. Looks exciting :-)


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