Styles to be able to be moved into folders inside CO please.
Not currently plannedDetails
What problem do you see this solving?
Right now to move styles into descriptive folders, I have to go into the systems folder (...CaptureOne>Styles50), to move a style into what I call Category folders.
I can do this in Styles50 folder, but no matter how descriptive my Style name is, nothing beats the visual effect in CO itself.
This would of course go hand in hand with the ability to create the folders in CO in the first place, but as my folder structure is in place and visible in CO, I'd much rather, currently, to be able to move my styles to appropriate folders.
This has recently become more important with the changes to Layers and Styles, and then there's Smart layers an exciting prospect for the future for me (I am not a people photographer)
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
Every time I use CO I make use of styles, especially now it's possible to save styles with Layers. I am a fine art photographer and digital artist and the styles I create reflect this. I use styles for colour shifts and grading, lighting, ones suitable for using with gradients, split toning, grunge effects, ones suitable for stacking, favourite background starters, now one for layered styles, etc and there are times when I need to shift older styles. (I used to have them all in one folder.. :( not helpful!) Consequently I have a folder with oh maybe 70 styles or so labelled 'to be sorted'. A lot will be redundant because of upgrades. But I can't tell that without looking at them in CO. I also have in that folder 'look a like styles' (CO made) which I made to look like favourite 'presets' I used in Lightroom before I switched a few years ago. Many need to be 'finessed'.
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?
Currently use a quick link to open the system Styles folder in a window on the PC along with CO.
I do this for example: I have a folder called Colour Grading. And I have other folders with styles in them that I wish to transfer as they would be better in 'Colour Grading'.
It's impossible to think or remember what a style is like by reading its name no matter how descriptive without it being too lengthy. I have to do extra steps to move the style, ie. When I find one I want to move in CO when editing, I write down the name. Go to the systems folder, find the style, close CO, then move it. ??? (sigh).
Are you happy to be contacted further about this suggestion or request?
Official comment
Hi everyone,
Thank you for the suggestion - this is not something we are currently working on.This does not mean this is a bad suggestion or that it will never be adressed, but in an effort of transparency we want you to know that we are not currently allocating resources to solving this issue.
We will revisit the status of this thread if and when it changes.
I agree and would like to add that marking styles as favourites and showing those additionally in a Favourites category would be very helpful
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