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Capture One 23 (Build crashes frequently



  • Jack W

    Capture One 23 is certainly compatible with macOS Monterey – see here: and also here:

    Which release notes were you referring to Michael Zeldin? Maybe there's an error that I need to correct.

    With an issue as severe as this, I'd strongly encourage you to reach out to our tech support team and also check the noticeboard for any known bugs.

  • Gregory Stais

    To All,

    I have logged Support Request # 180602 for the issue of Capture One 23 V16.1.1.1 being slow and intermittently crashing.

  • Jack W

    Hi Chuck Swan as I write the release notes, this is something I take rather seriously. I've removed the single mention of Capture One 22 from the Installation instructions and will take greater care to ensure that these details are not missed in the future – thanks for letting me know!

    There are usually no compatibility issues with macOS service releases. Sometimes the macOS service releases come out after we have released an update, or there are multiple updates within an unexpected or shorter amount of time. I have updated the release notes to reflect that Capture One 23 also supports Monterey 12.6.3.

    Thanks again for letting me know and drawing my attention to this. I really do appreciate it :) 


  • Jack W

    Hi Ji���_ Kala - I've asked the support team to prioritize your case. We're really sorry for the delay in this instance.

  • Chuck Swan

    Jack Williams, thanks for the update on the release notes.  Years ago I had a software/hardware product on the market.  I know and appreciate your efforts on the documentation!

  • Michael Zeldin

    Hi Jack Williams:

    I apologize for my error regarding Monterey compatibility with  C1P 23.

    I also apologize to Michael Obex for offering what turns out to be erroneous advice.


  • Michael Zeldin

    According to Release Notes, it appears Monterey is not compatible with C1P 23 build16.1.1.x

    I suggest going to Ventura. I am using a Studio Max (m1 chip) and C1P 23. It all works very well with Ventura..

    It may also help to uninstall the current C1P and then after upgrading to Ventura, do a re-install of C1P.

  • Michael Obex

    Thanks for the notice Michael!!! I don't want to upgrade my Mac to Ventura currently because "don't change a running system"... but I downgraded to the C1 Build which works fine for now. I hope future updates are compatible with Monterey again.



  • Ji���_ Kala

    I have the same experience with latest version of CO1 even I'm on Ventura.


    - frequently freezing 

    - cannot delete images

    - after half an hour of culling photos CO1 used over 50GB od memory and the system started to show error, that there is no memory available (MacBook Pro, M1, 16GB RAM)


    It's really frustrating and the behavior of latest version is like using Nikon NX Studio.

  • Gregory Stais

    I am having the same issue on my Lenovo P16 laptop running Windows 11 Pro, with 64 GB RAM.  Simple edits take more than 30 seconds, and often Capture One 23 will simply lock up and crash.

    Problems include frequent freezing and crashes.  Also even though I updated to Version 16.1.1 (twice) in "Edit Preferences > Update" it still shows the current version is 16.1.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Chuck Swan

    The release notes need a careful proofreading in it's entirety as some parts are out of date:

    -  There are still multiple references to Capture One 22.

    - Is Capture One 23 really not compatible with the current minor OS revisions?  i.e. 12.6.3.  The notes say nothing after Monterey 12.6.1.  Similar story for Ventura.  Is there a specific compatibility problem?  Can I not run C1-23 on a fresh out of the box mac?

    Out of date references in release notes make any upgrades a high anxiety experience for those of us who rely on C1 as part of our line-of-business software.

  • Jack W

    Gregory Stais I highly recommend that you submit a request with our Support team if you're experiencing behavior like this. Sounds like a showstopper.

  • Ji���_ Kala

    I submitted a request 11 days ago (March 4th). Without any response...

  • Ji���_ Kala

    Hi Jack W, thanks, I hope it will be resolved soon. It's really annoying to use CO1 to cull over 2k photos from session and edit about hundreds of them.

  • Jack W

    Ji���_ Kala I've looked at your support request and I'm wondering if this could be related to the location of your trash folder. Does this happen with all sessions and in a catalog? I ask this because the behavior is different across the two document types and it could help us narrow down whether it's specific to the document type or deleting images in general.

  • Jack W

    Michael Zeldin All good here :) only too happy to see people helping each other out.

  • Ji���_ Kala

    Jack W I have checked folder names and at first looks like the problem was related to accent characters (my native language is Czech). But I tried to create several new sessions and there is no problem with them even they contained that accent characters or not.

    Actually I have the problem with these sessions:

    • /Users/jk/Pictures/RAW/2023-02-18 HC Chotíkov vs Saxana
    • /Users/jk/Pictures/RAW/2023-03-11 HC Chotíkov vs Malá Víska

    I looked into session file using SQLite database viewer whether I found some wrong path in there, but it looks okay. Maybe strange is that table ZPATHLOCATION contains many records with absolute path (I thought that sessions have everything relative), but all those path names are okay - they points to the actual session folder.

    If that helps I can send you that session file to inspect. Or tell me anything what can help, I'm working in IT and I know to do a much more things than common user.



  • Jack W

    Ji���_ Kala Maybe that's also why your name on here appears with "???" as there are some illegal characters? Or are those emojis? Anyway, onto the important stuff...

    If there are no problems with new sessions, then consider migrating the content over to a new session. The session database may have become corrupt, but it's easy to replace a session. This guide should help you out.

    Consider also going to File > Verify Catalog or Session to check for any database errors.

    Let me know how you get on.

  • Kendrick Dettmers

    I just want to jump in here and also report the same issue running on an M1 Max Studio w Ventura 13.1

    I have a rather large session on an external SSD that now crashes every time within a few clicks while in the adjustments panel. It seemed to happen when I was navigating to a specific RAF file. Once I deleted that image from the set (copied it first to desktop) and then reimported it to the session it seemed to solve the problem.

    Idk if that helps, but something to look out for. 

  • Ji���_ Kala

    My apologize, this comment might have been posted to different request.


    Jack W My first name contains the character "r" with "hook" and "i" with "comma". These are czech accent characters, but nothing special regarding unicode. So it might be a problem on your website or website backend/database with handling unicode characters.

    Back to CO1 - my first thought was related to accent characters in folder name - see my one of the first reactions. So I tried to find out which characters is causing the problem and renamed the folder to only accented character:

    renamed "2023-02-18 HC Chotíkov vs Saxana" to "í"

    but deleting works fine. My conclusion was that it's something else than accent characters.

    But if I now renamed folder from "í" to "tí", than the problem with deleting files is back. So it must be some weird problem caused by accent characters in combination with other characters.

    For now I temporarily named sessions folders using only basic characters and it works. Many years ago, in Czech republic, we used to name folders only without accents and in more "ancient times" we do not use spaces in folder names, because many apps had problems with them. But in maybe past ten years we realized it is not problem anymore...


    BUT - latest version of CO1 still freezing very often during normal work and I can't say that there is something specific. It's random problem.




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