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Capture One Live - bad resolution?!



  • Official comment
    Mathieu B
    Product Manager

    Hi Tilly Nelson Tilly Nelson

    This is a very late answer to your post, sorry about that - I thought it might be useful for other users.

    The quality of the images in the webpage of a Capture One Live session is not related to your export parameters, but it can be influenced by your "Preview size" settings (in the Preferences). Selecting the recommended preview size is ... recommended :)

  • Charles Nnamdi

    Mathieu B, this is an inherent issue. Clients should not be privy to high-res images in Live sessions. Photographers should be able to set the export parameters [along with correctly sized watermarks] before the client receives them. This destroys our ability to either share images [Pixieset] or profit in the long-term [licensing] due to our workflow choice.

    Thank you.

  • Mathieu B
    Product Manager

    Hi Charles Nnamdi, thank you for your feedback. 
    At the moment we have decided to use a fixed low resolution for images for several reasons, one of them being protecting your work, the other being performance.

  • Charles Nnamdi

    Mathieu B while I understand 1440x960 isn't much by way of a high-res image, it is more than enough for clients who only wanted the image for social media... if I was waiting on payment for the client's photos, they would take the drafts and run for half the price... and since the Share Online system already asks for your recipe for sharing a collection, why doesn't it maintain the watermark dimensions provided? what is the issue exporting the collection to the shared folder the same way we export to our drives?

  • Mathieu B
    Product Manager

    Hi Charles,

    You can limit access to the online session to specific people that you invite by email, which is a first layer of security. If this is not enough, you can indeed use the watermarks to protect the images from any malicious screenshotting or downloading.

    Unfortunately watermarks in Live only work well with the « fixed » size watermarks, this is something we are aware of and would like to improve in the future.


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