William Morton

  • Total activity 24
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Recent activity by William Morton Recent activity Votes
  • Group Export recipes in folders

    What problem do you see this solving?Reduce the increasingly long list of export recipes. I have many clients who want images in specific file sizes, etc. Some clients require 3 different sizes. It...

  • Use tokens in other fields (in addition to renaming)

    I've found that I copy/paste the same info in to multiple IPTC fields (doing tethered headshots in quantity). For example, the subject's name is used not only for the filename but also in the title...

  • Import JPGs only while tethered

    I found a help file showing how to select "CFe and Capture One" under a Photo Shooting section. However, with the current version my panel shows Primary Slot and Secondary Slot - not the same optio...

  • Product shooting with 2 cameras - can't maintain settings

    We have a setup for photographing large rugs. One camera is mounted to the warehouse ceiling for the top-down view. A 2nd identical camera/lens is at floor level to show a closeup of the rug's text...

  • No options for tethered WB

    I'm trying to tether my Nikon D3 but I don't have any of the Camera options on the Capture tab. Most of the documentation I see online shows a prior version of C1, not this current version. The opt...

  • Color sampler for adjustments?

    I'm trying to find a way to do some basic exposure adjustment in C1Pro. I'm used to using ACR to place a color-sampler on a digital grey card that has been measured with a GMB i1. In ACR I can then...