Bruno Calado

  • Total activity 48
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  • Votes 13
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Recent activity by Bruno Calado Recent activity Votes
  • Copy adjustments between different masks

    Hi!I've been wondering if there is any way to copy ONLY adjustments from a mask to another mask in the same picture or in other image.My scenario is: On an image I manually draw a mask and applied ...

  • Back to stability and professional level

    Hi,I've been using Capture One for a long, long time, since its early versions, and never had so much trouble with it like in the last year.As a loyal long term user, I would like to make a serious...

  • A sereis of disapoitmnets

    Hi,I've been using Capture One for a long, long time, since its early versions, and never had so much trouble with it like in the last year.As a loyal long term user, I would like to make a serious...

  • Capture One 11.3 update - Draw mask became slow

    Hi!I've updated today to version 11.3 and noticed a drawback in the way masks and adjustments respond to action.Now, when drawing a mask it takes long to actually start seeing the mask being draw a...

  • Copy Layers/adjustments between sessions

    Hi!I would like to ask your help in order to find a solution for my question.I develop my work in Capture One in a Session based workflow, and today I got the need to copy a full image adjustments ...

  • Local adjustment - Draw mask issue

    Hi!I've been following Capture One (windows version) for a while, and I'm a great fan of it!There is a strange behaviour that happens (since version 8 ) when free drawing mask (local adjustments), ...