Terrance Geissler

  • Total activity 17
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Recent activity by Terrance Geissler Recent activity Votes
  • can't output from C1 20 PRO

    I use the Mac version and shoot Pentax.Just downloaded the upgrade to C1-20PRO and can't do any output.When I EXPORT, the entire program crashes and shuts down, when I try to PROCESS, I get an err...

  • Watermark: Can't upload image file for watermarking

    I can't seem to upload (choose) a file to create an image-watermark. When I choose (double-click) an image file, nothing happens on the process recipe tool, or the loaded image that I wish to out...

  • Import REALLY slow

    I'm considering moving from Apple Aperture to Capture One...I downloaded COExpress6 sometime ago and with the recent news decided to actually try it out. Willing to really make this work....!The us...