photo by FA

  • Total activity 504
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  • Votes 20
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Recent activity by photo by FA Recent activity Votes
  • Moving an album from one catalogue to another one

    Hi all,As the subject says; can we move an album from a catalogue to another one?Cheers,Fatih

  • CO10 has stopped processing images

    Hi all,I am using the latest CO10, and for some reason it has stopped processing images. I have tried several recipes and none of them are working. It just has happened suddenly. The batch list loo...

  • 35mm negative film scans and conversation

    Hi all,I was wondering what scanners are you using to convert 35mm film negatives into digital format and can you use CO to post process wothout any other software.Actaully, can I buy a negative fi...

  • Importing a CO10 catalogue with adjustments?

    Hi all,Is there a way to import a Capture One catalogue into Media Pro with all the existing adjustments? I have tried to import few pictures from CO with adjustments into MP but not successful.Che...

  • Lens profile with and without teleconvertors

    Hi all,I was wondering if there should be different lens profiles with and without teleconverters. I have realized Adobe support the same lens with various teleconverters.Cheers,Fatih

  • It is getting impossible to work with CO10

    I have started an import process more than 12 hours ago for 3750 images and I still couldn't get to work with them as CO10 ether crashing, or freezing or busy wth generating previews. If you try to...

  • Keyboard shortcut problem - saved shortcuts dissapear

    Hi all,I have a very weird problem. When I set my keyboard shortcuts, namely for Brush, Erase and Gradient, for some reason after a while these shortcuts disappear with no alternatives. Then I have...

  • Browser issue

    I am having a weird problem. When I hide the viewer and show it again, the browser is changing from a film strip to a multi-view sort of view. Anybody else having that?

  • Anybody has experience with this weird preview problem?

    Hi all,Please see the image anybody experienced with this problem? This happens after creating a preview and if I see the original RAW file on my iMac with Prev...

  • macOS Sierra compatibility

    Hi all,As Apple will be announcing today the release date of macOS Sierra, I was wondering if anybody has tested the beta versions of the software with CO 9.2.1.Have you seen any problem? I remembe...