Art Altman

  • Total activity 47
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Recent activity by Art Altman Recent activity Votes
  • Do I have the M1 version?

    I downloaded 14.2 for the Mac.  I'm on an M1 MacBook Pro.  Does this version automatically detect that I'm on an M1 Mac and somehow go native?  Or do I need to download a special version? I imagine...

  • Capture One on Apple's ARM chips?

    Does Phase One have anyone yet testing Capture One on Apple's ARM chips?   What about you forum participants?  Seen any evidence of anyone testing Capture One on Apple's ARM chips?   There is an Ap...

  • Accidentally installed 10.15.4 - will C1 tether ok?

    May 16 2020: Capture One is not yet officially supported on MacOS 10.15.4.  I was holding off on installing the new version of the OS, no problem, but last night my MacBook Pro decided it was time....