Peter Schatz

  • Total activity 21
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  • Votes 1
  • Subscriptions 9


Recent activity by Peter Schatz Recent activity Votes
  • New subscriptions- Good Bye

    Sorry guy´s, but I won't be able to support your new payment system because it doesn't meet the requirements, it's way too expensive (Adobe PS incl Camera Raw 9.99 euros for photographers) and I an...

  • Crop/firmwareupdate Sony A1

    I work with CPO many years now with my perfect configuration. I changed from PS and Camera Raw to CPO. The want to tell me, that now, after so many years, suddenly most user want the change the cr...

  • New 15.3 version with havy basic bugs!

    Copied from Pavlos Papageorgiou in the windows section: The default crop tool is now constrained to the original aspect of the picture. 3:2 or whatever the camera shoots. So now every time I try to...

  • Export too slow

    Hi, the new export of the newest CO Version is much too slow!!! Please do your very best and as fast as possible to work on this issue!! I really don´t understand, why this happens... does nobody t...

  • Sony raws not shown anymore

    in my CO Pro version , the sony raw files cannot be shown anymore. worked with them 5 days ago! Just the jpgs are shown. Anyone knows what happened? thanks Peter

  • Soo slow

    I cant work with this bug-program anymore, starts slo, import slow, previews shown so slow, ... Not acceptable!! Have to change to Bridge again- frustration!