Dave R

  • Total activity 788
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Votes on activity by Dave R Recent activity Votes
  • Loging In to New Forum

    I am really getting fed up with the need for permitting cross site tracking and all sorts of third party cookies to be able to log on to this site.  I have to remember to reinstate my defences ever...

  • No post within last 16 hours.

    Where has everyone gone? Dave

  • Cost of Capture One Live

    Anyone got any idea how much a Capture One Live session will cost after you have used up your 5 free sessions? Dave Late breaking news, it is £7.99 a month, found it in the manage licences section ...

  • V21 to V22 Upgrade

    Just received an e-mail offering me a 20% discount on an upgrade from V21 to V22 of capture One when it is released in early December. Clicked through a little way and found the upgrade price is £1...

  • Upgrade o V22

    Just received an e-mail offering me a 20% discount on an upgrade from V21 to V22 of capture One when it is released in early December. Clicked through a little way and found the upgrade price is £1...

  • Someone hacking posts.

    SFA has pointed to a number of posts where  spam links seem to have been inserted by someone other than the op. This needs investigating urgently. Dave  

  • Printing from M1 Mac to Canon PRO-100

    I have just switched from Windows to a Mac mini M1 Big Sur and while I am getting to grips with the Mac OS (having dabbled for years with Linux command line interface helps) I am totally beaten by ...

  • Mac Mini Color management problem

    After using Windows since 3.1 my engineering background kicked in and I became fascinated by the possibilities of m1 macs so I bought a basic Mac mini (250 gig hard disk, 8 gig ram) as a Christmas ...

  • Greyscale Conversion to Editable Format

    Black and White negatives scanned in greyscale are not immediately editable in Capture One.  However if one uses the Edit With function and select settings of, for instance, Format: TIFF 16 bit, IC...

  • Where has everyone gone?

    The old forum was no dpreview but there were a reasonable number of new and interesting posts every day. Is this whole new forum and associated help system driving people elsewhere and where is els...