Kurtb Pas

  • Total activity 46
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Recent activity by Kurtb Pas Recent activity Votes
  • Troubleshooting Keyword import file

    I have issues importing a txt keyword file. What is the best way or tool to troubleshoot. I did alreatd checked for unwanted spaces "," signes.But did not fount resolution jet.

  • Activating license C120 Pre Order

    Hi,I bought the Capture One Pro 20 - Pre-order action.Today I downloaded and installed C1 20. But no idea what license to use for activation.Any code on the invoice of the pre order gives an error....

  • Copy & Apply Layers between two sessions

    I'm pretty sure that in the past I could copy layers from one picture in a session to another picture in another session. In this way I had a "Layer Preset Session". But now it does not work anymor...

  • Upgrade C1 12.0.2 to 12.0.3

    Hi,Recentely purchases 12.0.2.An update is available. How to install?Download C1 again and install?Do I have to activate again?

  • Brush behaviour

    I discovered a strange behaviour in C1. When using the brush, the brush suddenly draws a vertical or horizontal line. Always to the top or left of the image. Anyone any idea why this is happening. ...

  • How to update a user preset.

    Hi,I have created a few presets for sharpening and clarity that works well for dog fur.However, I can't' find how to update those presets with modified values.any thoughts?

  • Color Cast Exported image

    Hi,How can one avoid that the exported image has a color cast compairing to the colors in C1?Even with proof on, the exported images looks a lot more redish.See:

  • C1 Critical Export failure.

    Hi,After processing my 1st session I started an export.Nothing special, jpg max 5300 pix long side, no upscale.JPG thumbnails are OK, but when viewing the files, approx 60% just shows just color st...

  • crop tool readouts stops at 2048pix

    If I crop, I can see how big the cropped image will be. But the numbers arelocked at 2048pix largest side.Any ideay what is gooing on?

  • "Auto Advance" when rating images.

    Hi,I'm switching from LR to CaptureOne.In LR you can enable "auto advance" when rating images. The software then automaticaly jumps to the next image from the moment an image is rated. A feature I ...