Andy Nickless
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Recent activity by Andy Nickless-
SOLVED!Bearing in mind I'm using a Mac...I went into the users Library using Finder (Go + Alt key > Library > Application Support > Capture One > Recipies 120) and deleted the Recipe I'd been using...
Thank you Grant and Paul for your patient attempts to help me with this.I'm happy to say that the light finally came on and now that I can copy and paste metadata across multiple images, I'm able t...
SFA wrote: Firstly it should not be prohibitively slow at allI only meant it's slow if I have to paste to every file individually.I was unaware of a Mac section to this forum. If I should be addr...
SFA wrote: Which metadata values are you seeking to copy?Hello Grant, thanks for your interest.It's mainly Title and Description in IPTC Content.Just description would probably be enough. SFA wro...
SFA wrote: Is this version of the file the same as the one that was successfully edited previously?I should add that the TIFF file opens perfectly in other applications. As I mentioned above, I u...
SFA wrote: What sort of TIFF specification?No idea (sorry). I thought a TIFF was a TIFF. Never had problems with TIFF files before.Is this version of the file the same as the one that was success...
Paul_Steunebrink wrote: Did you delete the image from Capture One or via Finder?Apologies for the lack of information. You're quite right, I should have been more specific.Using an iMac Pro (Moja...
RobiWan wrote: You can create a smart album for this.Search criteria -" keyword is" (leave field empty)Apologies for the late reply. (I didn't get a notification email).Leaving the keyword field ...
Just in case anyone's looking at the post because they want to move files, and their keywords to a new catalogue, this is the workflow that I've landed on.1) Within the origin catalogue (the one yo...
SFA wrote: Had you reselected the images after adding the missing KW to all images?It is possible that your search cache in memory was still working with the previous collection. You would ideall...