aaron maes

  • Total activity 30
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Votes on activity by aaron maes Recent activity Votes
  • Capture One freezes when hovering over styles

    Hi,  Is it just me or does it seem to be that Capture one 23 freezes when you hover over your styles? It happens every single time.   Edit: It seems that the freezing only occurs on my Capture one ...

  • Saving edits to xmp file (or cos file also in catalog)

    Hi,  Sometimes I'm losing edits of files. The big help for me ( and probably a lot of photographers) would be to have the edits as a real sidecar xmp file with the pictures themself.So really hopin...

  • Import 2 sd cards at once?

    Hey,Maybe this is a very stupid question but in Lightroom it is possible to import 2 sd cards at the same time. Is there a "magic" trick that I can the same in Capture one? Kind Regards, Aaron

  • Edit in Photoshop as DNG error

    Hey,Every time when I want to edit a RAF file is a DNG in Photoshop I get this error message:https://i.ibb.co/fxh0KYW/capture-one.jpgWhat is the solution?Greetings, Aaron

  • Copy/paste adjusments

    Hi there, I watched several video's about copy and pasting adjusments, but it doesn't seem to work?Could it be a bug? Or am I doing something wrong ( probably yes)