Franz J Wenzel

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  • [quote="Donnie" wrote: If using sessions though, can you search all your images via keywords like in a catalog though?In MediaPro you can 😉 😄

  • [quote="electrotimba" wrote: Using only sessions is workaround, but not a solution of the real issue.Closing any session does not free the RAM when we close it open another ... etc etc and the RA...

  • Hello,first, I'm not a professional photographer, but I thoroughly enjoy this beautiful hobby.Here are my humble thoughts,I agree with Grant that in order to workflow a set of images (new or archiv...

  • Hi,my unqualified guess is, it would be version 10.In reading your post, and not using the catalog feature (using PhotoMechanic and MediaPro,) and having said above, here are my thoughts,You seem t...

  • Unfortunately, for personal reasons, I am not in a situation to be able to participate in the testing process.However, I am exited to hear/see that Media Pro will remain a stand alone DAM and is un...

  • [quote]Does your processing also hang when processing from a fresh new session?/quote]Yes it does...Btw, I'm not complaining just sharing my experience with the upgrade to El Capitan. My photo mana...

  • Just a caution,Current version of CO8 will hang and not execute on output process recipes(whitewall,jpeg, Web, etc) in a session in EL Capitan...Macbook pro retina, ssd, 16gbExporting the variants ...

  • Hey,to my knowledge, you pretty much covered the possibilities of avenues.- importing the raw files without LR adjustments and redevelop your assets- importing the Tiff files with the adjustments a...

  • I wondered about that same thing.I think the only tools that apply locally are the once you have in the default tab. Off and on I tried some of the others, and none of those work 'restricted'...

  • Hello, I am new to this forum but own and use both MP and COP7 (besides other imaging software). I am not a professional photographer, live on a boat (that comes with a whole other set of software ...