Chad Dahlquist

  • Total activity 61
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Recent activity by Chad Dahlquist Recent activity Votes
  • Tom-D wrote: I said "on a Pixel level", you cant see this "higher contrast" without zooming in to 100% and above.yeah I heard ya ๐Ÿ˜Š more interesting and curious though and would be curious about ...

  • I know in screen draw or showing what is on the screen ATI used to be better than Nvidia but that was years ago ? take a image and turn off your GPU and then one on and compare there is for sure a ...

  • interesting that the file size is quite a large drop off for small % ๐Ÿ˜Š not doubting as it could sound like I should play with some files and compare lr and C1 % for fun and put some of the differen...

  • 6BQ5 wrote: Sorry to sound like a goofball here ... but how are people collecting these very precise times? Are you just using a simple stop watch or is there something in C1 that reports this?I ...

  • I just shoot raw and have since 2001 when I dumped film ๐Ÿ˜Š my reason is I am still downloading and culling and then often exporting to a certain size for either printing or internet so never saw a r...

  • I would say buy a normal iMac get the top cpu and the gpu upgrade but not the memory buy that 3rd party wait to see what the new mac pro they say they are building will be in the near future ? the ...

  • StephanR wrote: Here the results with my extra program:TIF uncompressed 8 Bit -> open with to jpg CPU+GPU - 27sTIF uncompressed 8 Bit -> open with to jpg CPU only - 88sAs you can see the speed wi...

  • [quote="NNN636355020530937144" wrote: My setup for C1 is build around 7980xe and Vega FE.I did also used Quadro P4000, but it was slow AND didn't have waterblocks so I switched to Vega FE which w...

  • maybe should have put out for a 1080ti over my 1080 ๐Ÿ˜Š but interesting to see the gains in the tiff times gnwooding wrote: In light of what everyone else has posted on TIFF results being more accu...

  • [quote="WPNL" wrote: [quote="Bobtographer" wrote: [quote="Val.Kozmenko" wrote: Forget Quadro. AMD is king when it comes to CaptureOne! I'd love to see some evidence / benchmarks of WX's to p...