Joshua Meadows

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Latest activity by Joshua Meadows
  • Joshua Meadows commented,

    I've used Capture One now for many years (since Version 11).  I've purchased the new version each year since then (despite a few years where the new features and fixes where of the "meh" variety) b...

  • Joshua Meadows commented,

    "I am altering the deal, pray I don't alter it any further" -Darth Vader [Edited 12-9] I seen that your current v23 license is essentially the same update policy as previous versions, it wasn't c...

  • Joshua Meadows commented,

    So in the interest of narrowing down my problem. I dropped my externally created icc profiles and instead I've verified that I can create a custom ICC profile from within Capture One and in fact c...

  • Joshua Meadows commented,

    Could you expand on "set the icc profile"? I know there's a way to have the icc profile and the costyle file in the same X:\users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\CaptureOne\Styles50\PACK folder. I just ha...

  • Joshua Meadows created a post,

    Creating an icc style

    I have some icc profiles that I would like to reference in a style. How would I go about creating a costyle file that uses an icc / icm file?

  • Joshua Meadows created a post,

    Corrupted Image Output & Fix

    So I've been having corrupted output on my image files since upgrading my graphic card drivers & Capture One. ( I don't know which was the culprit). The simple fix was just to disable Hardware Ac...

  • Joshua Meadows commented,

    Why not add scripting support for something cross platform like python?

  • Joshua Meadows commented,

    It is the latest release , and "Regenerate Previews" had no effect. The fix was changing the ICC profiles for the proof profiles setting.

  • Joshua Meadows created a post,

    Previews in technicolor

    My previews are all in technicolor. I have focus mask is off, and exposure warning is off. How can I fix this issue. They were fine just yesterday. (Of note: I did check my disk drive for errors,...