
  • Total activity 97
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Recent activity by cs Recent activity Votes
  • Let's get started - repeatedly have to activate

    I just upgraded earlier today, and I'm repeatedly having to "activate". Any solutions?  I went to the area where I thought I could report a bug ... and and all I could find was the ability to ask a...

  • Sort order Changes to Manual on it's own (15.3.0)

    Sort order changes to manual on it's own when going from a filtered subset of images being shown (a rating filter for example) to no filter so the entire album shows.

  • Crop doesn't stay locked (15.3.0)

    Previously once a cropping ratio was selected, it stayed that way. Now it returns to 'Original' if an image with a different cropping ratio is selected.

  • Copying layer adjustments, not the mask

    Is there a way to copy JUST the adjustments of a mask layer in one image to another image? IE, leave the masks the same in each image, but change the adjustments?This is just an example ... Let's...

  • View Only - Permission Status

    I upgraded to version 12.1Now I noticed that on roughly half of the JPG images in one catalog cannot be edited (the edit controls are greyed out'.On those that are view only .. the little icon in t...

  • No filename under thumbnail?

    I use both mac and pc versions of C1 ... I notice (and am a bit frustrated) that I couldn't figure out how to turn on image number underneath the thumbnail.Is this just a difference between the two...

  • Keyboard Shortcut missing for 'Edit in ...'

    In V11, I had assigned the shortcut 'CTRL-E' to the Edit With ... menu choice. And now that menu choice has been moved (which is fine), however I can't seem to find the option to assign a shortcu...

  • Syncing workspaces between MAC and PC

    Does anyone know a way to easily sync the UI / Workspaces between the mac and pc version?I have PC which I use most of the time, but also use Macbook PRO on the road and would like my tools menu se...

  • Output filesnames use space char plus number?

    When I process (export) a variant of a file a second time to the same directory, the resultant file name has a SPACE character followed by a number, ie, (1 for the first duplicate). If the origina...

  • Missing Keyboard Shortcuts?

    I've looked for a way to create a keyboard shortcut for "LIBRARY>OPEN WITH>" (I mistakenly put "EDIT WITH" earlier) and also a way to create a shortcut for some of the USER STYLES> that I've create...