nigel turley

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Recent activity by nigel turley Recent activity Votes
  • I have just received a reply from tech support regarding the case I logged. They have refunded my upgrade cost and provided a new version 9 code so I can reorder - the only issue for me may be that...

  • Version 10 will work without restrictions in trial mode for 30 days. Not ideal and hopefully Phase One will provide the licenses before this expires!

  • I posted the original message - had some discussions with Phase One support via Facebook yesterday and I'm sure they'll sort things out for all of us. The trial version is unrestricted so I'm happy...

  • OK - thanks. Looks like it's my problem then. I'll raise a support call...hoping Phase One can sort it before my trial period runs out!

  • Hey - I'd really love to test - I have good reasons to as I've experienced a few issues with the release builds, but I have one mac and use C1 for all my RAW processing - if PhaseOne could just ide...

  • There are risks involved in beta testing.There are benefits to be gained from beta testing.Each to their own in terms of where you sit on the spectrum.For those considering it who haven't done it b...

  • Thanks Christian but there are too many 'unknowns' in this for me to run the beta - There's not enough detail on the potential issues in the notes and I'd rather keep my release version safe...!

  • The Release Notes state 'It is generally recommended that you only install one version of Capture One.' and there's no specific guidance regarding associated files, use of existing catalogs and wha...

  • You can always 'reference' images in a catalog - in this way they are stored outside the catalog in a normal file system and so are accessible to spotlight and other apps - the catalog only stores ...

  • So the 'Locate...' command only works in a limited way and can't cope with a large folder / file structure? Not good news and another possible nail in C1Ps coffin for me. Just glad I've not ditched...