
  • Total activity 103
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Recent activity by billtils Recent activity Votes
  • Merge managed catalog with referenced catalog

    When I first used C1 (V7!) I was unaware of the difference between managed and referenced catalogs and everything went into the default managed version.  After a few years I experienced a noticeabl...

  • Speak to real person about billing issue

    I'm on C1 for Nikon using the subscription plan, paid through FastSpring and PayPal.  I got an email from CaptureOne telling me that the June 2nd payment did not go through.  I've been on that syst...

  • Did anyone watch the "Where we're at with the M1 chip" webcast on the 25th"

    It was a bit short on specifics but clearly the M1 version is very close to release and is offering the improved performance levels consistently seen in other applications running on M1 chip machin...

  • Integrating CaptureOne, Affinity Photo, and DxO NIK Suite

    Having tried just about everything on the market over the last 10 years I have settled on CaptureOne for library and general editing, Affinity Photo for composites and superior cloning and healing,...

  • ProStandard Proifles for Nikon D500

    I can't get a ProStandard ICC profile for images from my Nikon D500.  According to this  and  this  ProStandard  profiles are available for the Nikon D500,  They aren't ...         

  • Turn off colour management in printer

    I've been trying to obtain a custom icc profile for a new paper where the manufacturer does not have one for my printer (Canon PIXMA PRO-100S). The instructions from the manufacturer (and everwhere...

  • Nikon 300mm f/4 PF

    Just returned to C1 (after a year away) thanks to the release of the Nikon version of CO 20.  Glad to be back but shocked that the lens list does not include the superb 300mmPF (or the 500mm versio...

  • Cambridge in Colour Discussion

    Not sure if anyone has seen/responded to this    It's a discussion from a PhaseOne user who is finding exported TIFF files to be...