Keith R
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Votes on activity by Keith R-
You haven't provided any details of your system, Andrew - hardware, spec, what you've changed (or not) recently - how is anyone supposed to help?
we C1-user like to have Nope. You might want them, but "you" does not equal "we". I can't think of many things I want less in a RAW converter than gimmicky sky swapping functionality.
Why would it be better than the current targetted adjustment tools in Capture One, Giovanni? Personally I can't stand the limitations of Control Points compared to brushes and other selection tools...
It says Completed. So where I can find this feature in Capture One? From the Feature Requests forum landing page: This is the place to discuss feature requests. The label 'Completed' serves as a...
So enable it - highlight the recipe and tick the box.
We need yet another thread on this like we need a hole in the head:
Agreed and supported. I've complained about Capture One's watermarking weirdness (which they argue is a "feature", not a bug - as if setting up a separate watermark for every single output recipe i...
I find this move quite dishonest in fact. I purchased a "lifelong" product and now im being asked to pay more to continue using it. No, you are not - the version you're using now will continue to...
ATT: Capture One Support [I posted here, as c1 doesn't have a support forum set up for their latest version of their software :( ] If you'd looked just a little harder, and wasted less time on yo...
Thanks, Murray. Personally I gave up on Capture One's ridiculously convoluted and wrong-headed approach to watermarks years ago, after years of trying to persuade them that it was - to all practica...