Oliver Waletzko

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Latest activity by Oliver Waletzko
  • Oliver Waletzko commented,

    [quote="OldRadioGuy" wrote: The app crashes every time I attempt to choose a folder in Import or add a folder in Libraries.Sorry for you to hear that. I cannot reproduce your problem - but in cas...

  • Oliver Waletzko commented,

    Hi Frank! Thanks a lot for your clear words! The game of cat and mouse after each new macOS release with non working drivers is not what I was looking for... Since my Mac Pro is filled with additio...

  • Oliver Waletzko created a post,

    GTX 980 Ti @ MacPro 5,1 High Sierra

    Dear forum experts! After a lot of reading I came to the conclusion that a flashed NVIDIA GTX 980 Ti card is likely to work well in a Mac Pro 5,1 with C1 under Mac OS. I found several posts here in...

  • Oliver Waletzko commented,

    I contacted Logickeyboard and they had been talking to the PO crew: German support will be added to a later C1 release - in between the easiest way would be to duplicate the UK setting and manually...

  • Oliver Waletzko created a post,

    Oh happy day!

    Thanks for C1 10 Pro - for me a real boost in improvements: Keyword problem with orphaned keywords from Aperture and LR import resolved, improved snappier response during operation, improved highli...

  • Oliver Waletzko created a post,

    Catalog File damaged?

    I am using C1 9 Pro (9.0.3) in catalog mode (referenced images) on my MacPro. Accidentally I discovered a difference in the catalog folder structure I have no explanation for: On the MP the catalog...

  • Oliver Waletzko commented,

    [quote="peter.f" wrote: Buying Media Pro only to get C1's DAM fixed seems a bit too pricey for my taste. I agree with you, too. And it seems to be unnecessary as well - as the keyword issue in C1...

  • Oliver Waletzko commented,

    I am running a flashed (and slightly overclocked) AMD Radeon HD 7950 in a MacPro 5.1 , 6-core 3.33 GHz. No glitches or problems or additional drivers - under OS X 10.11.6 with C1 9.0.3 Pro - smooth...

  • Oliver Waletzko commented,

    Sadly the keyword chaos problem (which occurred after 9.0.3 and dropped lots of orphaned single keywords in to the root-level instead of leaving them in their sub-folders) is still unchanged. So I ...

  • Oliver Waletzko commented,

    [quote="DWL" wrote: This has NOT been fixed in v9.1.1 ... I have updated my support record indicating the problem / regression has not been addressed.Doug100% same experience like Doug. I update...