Josse Fermont

  • Total activity 17
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Recent activity by Josse Fermont Recent activity Votes
  • solution for exporting DNG including settings?

    Does anyone have a solution to export images from  a Phase One back to DNG, including settings (such as white balance, exposure, crop) ?Capture One's export does not support settings, as far as I c...

  • Export Phase One images to DNG with settings

    Has someone got a solution to export Phase One images to DNG including settings (such as white balance, exposure, crop) ? Capture One's export does not support settings, as far as I can see. I have...

  • Is it possible to disable to rotate function of the crop tool?

    After a crop has been made, the crop tool changes to a rotate tool if you are near a corner of the crop.  Does anyone know if this feature can be disabled?

  • Lock process recipe?

    Is it possible to lock specific process recipes? Sometimes a setting in a process recipe is inadvertently changed, which then produces unexpected and unwanted results.

  • New website design issues

    New website design issues: Log in at the top of the page. Want to check if there is an update for Capture One. The download page doesn't show which version is available. There is no history ("what'...

  • IPTC "Credit" tag

    I can't find the IPTC "Credit" tag (tag 110) in Capture One 6.x. Can I add it somehow?