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Recent activity by KPH Recent activity Votes
  • Layers, Masks, Blending

    Time for CO,to add in a engine to do the following. I have one photo with a dark sky and another photo with a moon. What are the steps to have the moon show through the first photo with dark sky. P...

  • Layers, Masks and Steps

    I have one photo with a dark sky and another photo with a moon. What are the steps to have the moon show through the first photo with dark sky. Please advise of the exact steps to use the erase too...

  • How To Apply Color Inverse 1 to only one section of photo

    In trying the pro trail version I have a question before I buy. I have a raw photo, I want to apply the Specific built in to a photos but only want the sky to be effected and not the rest. The effe...