
  • Total activity 62
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Recent activity by TonyB Recent activity Votes
  • Catalogue folders not present

    I am moving folders into yearly folders. My folders go back to 2008 and as I move folders into the yearly folders all is well and the next time I open C1 the year folders all contain the sub-folder...

  • Synchronize freezes C1

    The right click Synchronize command freezes C1. Anyone else had this? It's happened THREE times. I have filled in a crash report for it, so hopefully someone at HQ will pick it up and take action. ...

  • Printer not recognised

    I have just installed Windows 11 on a new computer. I have installed my Epson Pro 3880 printer but C1 does not see it in the print dialogue box. It sees only another printer i use for office tasks ...

  • adjustments lost on catalogue and folders transferred

    My Windows computer failed. Fortunately I had an external backup of everything. I bought a new computer and copied all image files to the new internal drive. I then moved my catalogue folder to the...

  • Catalogue Trash Contains Original RAWs

    I have been batch renaming a lot of raw images recently. I just noticed the Trash folder. It contains all the original raw images that I have renamed; the renamed images are in their correct folder...

  • Print dialogue window freezes

    I have C1 v 22. I just tried to make a print, which worked, but the print dialogue would not close, and in fact Capture One itself froze. The only way I could close C1 was via Ctrl+ Alt+ Del and cl...