Bernd Kusen

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  • Bernd Kusen commented,

    Jonatan Tethering for R5C is supported. I'm using it daily. Just download the latest version of Capture One.

  • Bernd Kusen commented,

    After a lot of complaints I just want to say "Thank you" to Capture One.It works fine and Capture One is simply the best for tethered shooting and RAW file editing!

  • Bernd Kusen commented,

    I agree with you, Philippe. But don't feed the troll.Finally the market will take care of it.Better let us search for other solutions or workarounds than discussing with someone who is not open for...

  • Bernd Kusen commented,

    Kassur Have you try to use exiftool? You can change the camera name of the raw files to something C1 accept. Thanks for the advice but I rather use Lightroom instead of a command line tool for co...

  • Bernd Kusen commented,

    Don't buy your new camera until you know that Capture One supports it. Simply no. I love Capture One but I will not buy my camera depend on it. Anything stopping you from converting the R5 C's ...

  • Bernd Kusen commented,

    I agree. The only way is to use the native Canon software or switch to Lightroom. Very sad.

  • Bernd Kusen commented,

    @Roland:Adobe Lightroom already supports R5 C: Doing the RAW file editing later may be a solution for a hobby photogra...

  • Bernd Kusen commented,

    So sad that there is still no support for the R5C.

  • Bernd Kusen created a post,

    Canon R5 C Support

    EOS R5 is supported by the latest Capture One but it seems that R5 C RAW files can not be read  by Capture One. Is this possible? I thought that R5 and R5 C still images should be the same data.