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Z9 Tethering Issues



  • Stellan Stephenson

    I switched ends of the TetherPro USB-C to USB-C Right Angle and then it worked just fine. Haven't tested it on a full shoot but no drops after switching it around with the angled end in the computer. ;)

  • Carlos Diez

    For those encountering the "camera rejected connection" issue with the Nikon Z9 but wanting to connect over the local WiFi network and not direct between camera and computer, I had this issue and found a solution that worked. When first setting up the WiFi connection on my Z9 I had incorrectly launched the Nikon Wireless Transmitter Utility before reading the instructions on C1 NOT to do that. I quit the utility, even tried uninstalling the Nikon utility, and I was still getting that error in Capture One which was driving me nuts. 

    Then I removed the WiFi connection on the camera (this is NOT in the menus - you have to press the camera's trash button), set it up again, and also re-installed the Nikon utility (but did not initiate the connection). One (or both) of these fixed it and now it connects directly from Capture One over my WiFi network with Live View working perfectly. 

    Hope this helps someone...

  • Anoush Abrar

    Hey Adam, I have exactly the same problem. Without doing anything, the Nikon Z9 is connecting and disconnecting all the time without doing anything.

    I updated to firmware 2.0 and I think it is an issue.
    I never really an issue with the connection but now it is really horrible. I tried with another new Z9 with exactly the same setting and I had the same issue. I tried to reset everything... still having some problem with the connection.

  • Adam Fahlund

    So update! And trust me, I feel like an idiot! After coming from Sony I never realized other manufacturers couldn’t tether and write to the card at the same time, After taking out the memory cards both cameras tether flawlessly!

  • Anoush Abrar

    All ready did and all ready took the card out and bought a new cable.... no it is not this.
    I have tried with another brand new Z9 and the same problem occurred.... this cable seems to have a problem with the Z9 and probably the MacBook Pro M1 :

    But if you use just the tether tools extension and very good and small USBC or a thunderbolt cable, it works fine.

    What do you use so I can compare ?

  • Adam Fahlund

    And I assume you’ve tried switching ports, making sure Bluetooth is off in the camera and no other tethering software is on the computer ?

  • Anoush Abrar

    Yes I tried different ports. I also turn the wifi and bluetooth of the camera off but not the computer. Are talking about the computer ?
    Which computer do you have ? Do you have the same tethertool cable ?

  • Adam Fahlund

    So I was using an iMac when i was experiencing these issues when tethering at home, popped the memory cards out and it started working thankfully, BUT now that im on the road and attempting to tether with my M1 Pro, its absolutely impossible, absolutely no connection is being made to the computer what so ever. Ive checked the system usb section of the system and info and the computer doesn't even detect it and I have a feeling this is an issue anyone with an M1 is currently experiencing, in the case this isn't your issue here is a helpful link i found from capture one which you may have already checked out

  • Anoush Abrar

    The Z9 and the new macbook pro M1 max with a specific tether cable is not working (TetherPro USB-C to USB-C Right Angle).
    I bought a new cable AND I tried with a complete new Z9 (a second one).... same problem... it disconnect all the time.
    I don't understand what is going on with this cable in particular because it worked perfectly before.
    I found a way around : if you use on the extension (TetherPro USB-C to 3.0 Micro-B Right Angle) with a small tuntherbolt 3 or 4 cable it works perfectly.

    My problem is that I can't ask Nikon or Capture One or Apple and even tethertools... because each one of them will say it is the other on fault...

  • Adam Fahlund

    I finally got it to work with the M1 Pro, cant use the thunderbolt 3 ports on the left side of the comp only the right side, also make sure eco mode is off on the camera as well as having both memory cards out of the camera, no other tethering software running in the background and all other camera manufacturers turned off in preferences in capture one. Also make sure all permissions in security and privacy settings are granted to capture one. Lmk if this works

  • Sergio Colon

    Hey Guys, 

    I just received my Z9 and I encountered the same issues you were experiencing and I found the fix. 

    First and foremost, make sure there are no XQD cards inserted into the camera while you are tethered. That is usually the first culprit with dropped/no connection when tethering on Nikon Cameras. 

    If that is not the issue, It may well be the same solution for my tethering issues:

    In the "Setup Menu" (The wrench), scroll down to "USB Connection Priority" and ensure that you have it set to "Shooting". By default, it is set to "Upload" which disables the Live View and requires you to half-press the shutter to re-engage the live view, causing constant tethering disruptions. 

    Once I switched the setting to "Shooting" I did come across a glitch where the camera would no longer connect/get recognized by Capture One, So if you encounter the same glitch, try these steps:

    Turn your camera off and disconnect the tether cord from the Z9 and your laptop. Next, quit Capture One and Restart your machine. Once your machine restarts, open Capture One and connect your tether cable to the machine first, ensure your Z9 is off, and connect the other end of your tether to the Z9. Power on the camera and If everything goes well you should have a relatively quick and stable connection!

    Good Luck!


  • Sam Bosshard

    I'm having the same issues but I think the problem is with the USB-C port on the camera. The connector doesn't plug in all the way and wobbles. If I make a loop with the cable and pass it over the top of the lens, the connection is relatively good. But when I let the cable hang down, I have a loose connection. For me, the problem lies with Nikon.

  • FirstName LastName

    I spent two days in hell trying every trick and proper setting in the book and could't get anything to work. Constant disconnections. Then I saw this thread with the mention of flipping the USB-C straight and and the USB-C right angle end around and thought that was crazy. But I was just desperate enough, so I gave it a try and it worked.

    Can anyone with more tech savvy brain than myself explain to me why in the world it would work in one direction and not the other?

  • Marcin Klaban

    There must be something with power menagement when using those cables... I have 4,6 m from TetherTools. He was working well few times, but now i have this same problem. I've checked with 20 cm usb-c to usb-c and everything works ok. I will order 3m cable and will see.. With D850 I didn't have such problems. 

  • Sergio Colon

    Tether Tools Cables are the culprit most of the time. It is due to their cables trying to supply PD and simultaneously transferring files which causes a disruption in the signal. It is a common problem with tether tools specifically, especially with the Canon R5. I would suggest trying out “IQ Wire” or “Area 51” cables. They are very reliable and have built in repeaters to maintain a strong and speedy signal.

  • Marcin Klaban

    Suddenly everything started working. I'm not sure if the orientation of the cable plugs matters, but I noted it down :) I'm waiting for a new purchase. I hope it will solve my problems. Thank You Sergio :) Have a nice day :) 


  • Sergio Colon

    Of course, no problem. I personally use IQ-Wire because they’re a fraction of the cost of Area 51.
    It is a one way only transmission so the ends are clearly identified for camera side and computer side. A 30ft. Cable is ~$100 on Amazon and it’s worth every dollar.

  • Marcin Klaban

    I’ve got mine IQWire. It works even with cards inside! I’m impressed! Thx again Sergio! 🙏🏻

  • Permanently deleted user

    @Sergio - Thank you so much - just received my IQWire and it finally seems to work.... 


  • gian marco castelberg

    it is important that you use a cable that is usb 3.2 capable!
    otherwise you have all the errors as described!
    there are some from Theter tools &Cobra Tether. as far as I know there are none from area51 yet...

  • Adam Fahlund

    For anyone having problems, once I switched to IQ Wire I’ve never had a single tethering problem

  • Anoush Abrar

    So many many things happened from the first time, a year ago, that I wrote my experience with teether tools.

    Let's be clear. Tether Tools USBC right angle 4.7m don't work with the Z9. I tested many time the same cable with two different Z9.

    However the Area 51 USBC right angle 4.7m cable work like a charm with the Z9 but the transfer is a little bit slower.
    The Area 51 cable is thinner that the tether tools cable.

    But I recently come across the Nine Volt USBC right angle 4.7m cable and I finally think that I found the right cable that I search for such long time for the Z9. I didn't had the time to test more deeply but I am quite confident about it.

    In any case Nikon absolutely don't care about that issue.... The same tether tools cable was working perfectly with the Z7II and I had absoluetly no issue with it.

  • Adam Fahlund

    Nikon support is atrocious, most of their support don’t even own a camera

    It’s crazy all the nuances and variables that come from mixing computers cameras and cables

    One things for sure, if it’s not your camera settings it’s most likely your cable or brand of cable

  • Patrick McCue

    Hey everyone.  I had the same exact problem, but as someone else noted above, if you buy the Tether Tools Core Controller Extension Cable to plug your Tether Tools cable into, it solves the disconnection issue! So pumped! 


  • Marc Baril

    I had it working without issues for some time but faced similar disconnection, different cables didn't make a difference.

    Has anyone here been able to do wireless tethering? I can't get my computers to connect to my Z9.

    One would think in 2024 this would be a no brainer. Frustrating .

  • Adam Fahlund

    I would try the memory card, typically the most common problem.

    Of course USB settings have to be on camera control

    Try swapping ports as well, sometimes the ports store up voltage that can disrupt the connection

    Lastly try disabling every other camera manufacture in capture settings. Sometimes the STK packages conflict

  • Adam Fahlund

    I’ve had no problems with tethering with the new Sequoia update and I use several different computers and cameras when tethering.

    I would not turn all on in C1 settings, this can only cause conflicts

  • Marc Baril

    Adam Fahlund

    I switch the USB settings to camera control and it seems to work much better. Only had one shoot though.


    Marcin Klaban

    I realize it`s not super fast. I was able to test wireless with my Z7II before. Can`t get the Z9 working. The way I understand to make it work is to connect computer to the Z9 wifi but COP doesn`t see it or my PC doesn`t. I turned off all Firewall too. Anyway I`ll stick to cable now that it`s working better.

    Thank you

  • Marcin Klaban

    Marc Baril 
    I've been using wireless with no problem. You have to connect your computer and Z9 to this same WIFI ( the fastest - the better ), but be aware. This is not a speed king ;) You will wait 2-3 sec to get the RAW on your computer :)
    Turn all on and in the Camera Tab choose Z9. Should work. 
    As for the cables. Maybe you have upgraded to macOS Sequoia? As far as I know, Sequoia and CaptureOne is not a good connection right now.


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