Saving camera settings when tethering
Is there a way to save my "Save To" preference under camera settings in the tether tool tab? I have it set to save to SD1+Capture One in the dropdown menu but every time I unplug the camera or close Capture One 22 it resets to only saving the images to Capture One. I've tried saving the workspace with this option selected under camera settings but it still resets when I return to it.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
I would like that feature too.
It would be nice to be able to change the default save location in settings.
Or, in the case of the Mac version, if a script changes that setting, I'd like to know that variable.I hope this topic gets excited and implemented
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Fully agree. Really important for people to have a solid/constant method to write files to two locations for back up purposes without having to constantly check or update settings.
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