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Performance issues



  • Paul Steunebrink
    Difficult to diagnose Tom, based on your information. Performance issues are always hard to assess through forum posts. I suggest asking the Capture One support team for help. They can go through log files and may find the root cause.
  • ANLI
    make a template of ur existing library. then split the beast into several librarys so each has only around 10k images. it helps.
  • RC Photo
    NNN637001960610794559 wrote:
    Hey everyone,

    I am currently using CO20 on my new MBP and it feels incredibly slow.
    My 8 year old MBP and LR work magnitudes faster.

    I'm not sure if I understood you correctly.
    Are you saying that CO20 would be much faster on your old MBP? If so, it might be worth to compare the settings between those computers...

    In my experience, the XMP-synchronisation might be slowing everything down...
  • Mark Johnson
    Hi, I don't know if you are still having problems, I've just finished setting up my MacBook Pro and it is running super fast while working with C120 and everything else for that matter, I did notice after installing C120 and closing C120 a few times it then started installing graphic drivers, something I hadn't noticed before when installing on my last MacBook, It may of done but I didn't see it, anyway its super fast now, maybe installing C120 again might help, just a thought, I'm sure there is a lot of people on here that know more about this sort of thing than me.
  • Jason
    Not as new a machine but a similar problem I suspect. I've reinstalled before with no change.
  • Abbott Schindler
    Launch Activity Monitor (in your Utilities folder) and under the Window menu, show both CPU and GPU histories.

    Then launch C1 and work with it for a while, including making adjustments and processing some images. Check the history windows. Is the GPU being used much? (I'll bet not). How about CPU usage?

    In my experience, C1's very good at utilizing all the CPU cores and is poor at using the GPU. My Radeon Pro Vega 20 is barely used for much of anything unless I force it (see other threads for how to do this).

    You could open a Support Case, include the COLogs, and screenshots of the Activity Monitor History windows. Maybe if enough of us do that it'll help the engineering team figure out what's going on.
  • Robert Farhi
    Capture One uses GPUs for exporting and local adjustments which need a 100% enlargement, but not that much for most of the "normal" adjustments.
  • TomUsernameNotAvailable
    Thanks Paul. I know it is hard to tell. I will try a few things and then probably open a ticket.
    Paul_Steunebrink wrote:
    Difficult to diagnose Tom, based on your information. Performance issues are always hard to assess through forum posts. I suggest asking the Capture One support team for help. They can go through log files and may find the root cause.
  • TomUsernameNotAvailable
    I just watched the activity monitor while opening and clicking CO20. Getting from one folder to another drives CPU utilisation up to 380%.

    However I am not sure if this is related to a setup problem.

    These are the specs of my MBP:

    2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9
    64 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
    AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8 GB
    Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB

    Nature Isme wrote:
    Launch Activity Monitor (in your Utilities folder) and under the Window menu, show both CPU and GPU histories.

    Then launch C1 and work with it for a while, including making adjustments and processing some images. Check the history windows. Is the GPU being used much? (I'll bet not). How about CPU usage?

    In my experience, C1's very good at utilizing all the CPU cores and is poor at using the GPU. My Radeon Pro Vega 20 is barely used for much of anything unless I force it (see other threads for how to do this).

    You could open a Support Case, include the COLogs, and screenshots of the Activity Monitor History windows. Maybe if enough of us do that it'll help the engineering team figure out what's going on.
  • TomUsernameNotAvailable
    Sorry for the confusion. On my old MBP I just have LR. Same amount of pictures in the library, some place on my NAS. Once imported and previews are generated it works like a charm. The new 2019 MBP is super slow with CO20, LR can be installed on the lates MacOS.

    As stated at another post, opening CO20 and clicking through the folders creates close to 400% CPU utilization

    rc_photo wrote:
    NNN637001960610794559 wrote:
    Hey everyone,

    I am currently using CO20 on my new MBP and it feels incredibly slow.
    My 8 year old MBP and LR work magnitudes faster.

    I'm not sure if I understood you correctly.
    Are you saying that CO20 would be much faster on your old MBP? If so, it might be worth to compare the settings between those computers...

    In my experience, the XMP-synchronisation might be slowing everything down...
  • TomUsernameNotAvailable
    So accessing a picture in a folder in my catalog drives CPU utilisation up to 650%. 🤓

    Maybe it really cant handle the amount of pics in my catalog
  • mattcohen
    I have been in contact with support for this issue as well. They had me do a lot of things (uninstall, terminal commands, sending them logs and screenshots etc) and I'm in the same spot as I was. I get a beachball between every action, including between each letter typing in a search, closing dialog boxes, exporting, etc.

    16" 8 core 32GB RAM MBP all SSD catalog and originals, ~140k pictures. Completely unusable for anything other than bug reporting.
  • Jeffrey Jakucyk
    Catalogs over about 40,000 photos start to bog down pretty quick in Capture One Pro 11 and earlier. Sounds like that's still the case, and I bet that's the crux of your problem.
  • Robert Farhi
    I have 22k+ images in my catalog, and it works perfectly. I cross fingers, and I'll try to think twice before taking a picture 😄
    Anyway, the Capture One DAM is the major problem Phase One have with their software, in my opinion, and I hope they will improve it very soon, as it lasts for long, now. I already submitted a feature request some years ago, but.....nothing.
  • Permanently deleted user
    Maybe the C1 is generating previews of you catalog, because the preview setting are now different as the previous version, or for whatever other reason...while generating previews, there can be performance impact.
  • Julien Apruzzese
    Same here !
    I received the new MacBook Pro 16 (2,3 GHz Intel Core i9 8 core, 64 Go 2667 MHz DDR4, AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8 Go) and Capture One 20.0.1 is slow on macOS Catalina 10.15.2
    The Loupe tool is extremely slow, even buggy, the refresh rate of tools is very slow.
    I work on session with not so much images.
  • TomUsernameNotAvailable
    Not very happy to read this. But this is exactly what happens to me right now on a brand new 2019 MBP, fully maxed out.

    This is incredibly disappointing, and it seems that this is not a singular issue

    mattcohen wrote:
    I have been in contact with support for this issue as well. They had me do a lot of things (uninstall, terminal commands, sending them logs and screenshots etc) and I'm in the same spot as I was. I get a beachball between every action, including between each letter typing in a search, closing dialog boxes, exporting, etc.

    16" 8 core 32GB RAM MBP all SSD catalog and originals, ~140k pictures. Completely unusable for anything other than bug reporting.
  • TomUsernameNotAvailable
    Preview generation is all done and complete. This shouldnt be an issue.
    Peter Svancar wrote:
    Maybe the C1 is generating previews of you catalog, because the preview setting are now different as the previous version, or for whatever other reason...while generating previews, there can be performance impact.
  • TomUsernameNotAvailable
    Too bad to hear this. It seems like there are a few of us with same issues. Rather a singular issue, this seems to be systemic.

    Naninou wrote:
    Same here !
    I received the new MacBook Pro 16 (2,3 GHz Intel Core i9 8 core, 64 Go 2667 MHz DDR4, AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8 Go) and Capture One 20.0.1 is slow on macOS Catalina 10.15.2
    The Loupe tool is extremely slow, even buggy, the refresh rate of tools is very slow.
    I work on session with not so much images.
  • Paul Steunebrink
    In the thread below a user shares his discovery regarding the 16" MBP for not using the AMD Radeon GPU, which seems to be part of the problem with that system.

    [The Capture One forum has migrated to a new platform, as a result all links to Capture One related postsstopped working and have been removed]
  • Robert Farhi
    Naninou wrote:
    Same here !
    I received the new MacBook Pro 16 (2,3 GHz Intel Core i9 8 core, 64 Go 2667 MHz DDR4, AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8 Go) and Capture One 20.0.1 is slow on macOS Catalina 10.15.2
    The Loupe tool is extremely slow, even buggy, the refresh rate of tools is very slow.
    I work on session with not so much images.

    I have an "old" (late 2013) MacBook Pro Retina 15" with Intel Core 2.3 GHz i7, 16 Go RAM, Nvidia GeForce GT 750M, and evrything works perfectly, including the Loupe tool and the refresh rate of the tools. I work with a catalogue 22k+ images. So, maybe you have some issues in your computer configuration which slow the processes.
  • Alessandro Vetrugno
    I have the same problem... ☹️
  • Jerry C
    One thing that can bring C1 to its knees is when spotlight starts reindexing. This is especially apparent when attempting to view All Images in a very large catalog. In my 60k catalog, it normally takes 15 sec to display and navigate within All Images, but when spotlight is indexing, C1 becomes unresponsive when selecting All Images.

    I am running C1 on an iMac Pro that should be capable of handling C1 and a Spotlight reindex. However, if Spotlight is indexing the cocatalog, could this cause C1 to stop responding or take quite bit of time until the reindexing is complete? Tasks like displaying All Images could slow to a crawl, whereas doing a simple edit might just appear sluggish.

    Jerry C
  • Permanently deleted user
    Paul -
    How does one contact the Capture One support team? There are no phone numbers or email addresses on their web site.
    I have a question about a licensing key for C1 20 - mine doesn't work and need to contact them.

  • Paul Steunebrink
    NN204433UL wrote:
    Paul -
    How does one contact the Capture One support team? There are no phone numbers or email addresses on their web site.
    I have a question about a licensing key for C1 20 - mine doesn't work and need to contact them.

    Please see my reply on your post elsewhere:

    This thread is about another topic, by the way.
  • paul schefz
    this really sounds terrible, i am looking to upgrade my 2016mbp but these reports dont sound good...
    it is insane that a machine that can handle raw video in real time has problems with simple image manipulation....that is just sign of bad and old code piling up and not using what is available.....
    there are so many applications out now (none of which i want to use) and they all fly compared to C1....
  • Bud James

    I've been using C1P for about 3 years. My Lightroom catalog had about 150k images. This choked C1P on the import.

    I ended up having to split my LR catalog into several smaller C1P catalogs to keep the catalog under 20k images. C1P does not like large catalogs, period. I'm running a iMacPro with 64GB RAM, 2TB internal SSD and Thunderbolt 2 connected OWC Thunderblade 8TB SSD. The read/write speeds of the internal SSD averages 2,700-2,900 MB/S while the external SSD averages 2,100-2,300 MB/S.

    Even with this setup, C1P is sluggish once the catalog exceeds about 20k images. I don't understand how users with large catalogs of over 40k images work with these speed issues.

    I love the resulting image quality of using C1P over Lightroom, but the speed with large catalogs is a big detractor.

    Regards, Bud James
    Please check out my fine art and travel photography at or on Instagram at

  • Permanently deleted user

    Try turn off xmp file syncing...

  • Bud James

    I have XMP file synching turned off. I don't use XMP files since I don't use Photoshop.

    Bud James

    Please check out my fine art and travel photography at or on Instagram at


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