Selective copy and apply of settings
Handy little script for selectively copying and applying settings, for instance all of the Exposure settings bar Exposure itself. Hope its handy for others:
global vAdjust
on setAdjustments(vAdjust)
tell application "Capture One 11"
set theVariants to selected variants
tell current document
repeat with |counter| from 1 to count of theVariants
set theVariant to item |counter| of theVariants
tell adjustments of theVariant
set contrast to item 2 of vAdjust
set brightness to item 3 of vAdjust
set saturation to item 4 of vAdjust
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end setAdjustments
on getAdjustments()
tell application "Capture One 11"
set selectedVariants to (get selected variants)
tell document 1 -- as far as I can tell there is only ever 1 document
if selectedVariants is {} then
display notification "No images selected - select one or more images"
repeat with |counter| from 1 to count of selectedVariants
end repeat
end if
set thisVariant to item 1 of selectedVariants
tell adjustments of thisVariant
set vAdjust to get {exposure, contrast, brightness, saturation}
end tell
end tell
end tell
end getAdjustments
A heads up- it is possible to have more than one document; under Preferences > General, the option to allow more than one is "Open in New Window" (towards the top). Current Document will point to the frontmost. 0 -
Cheers Ben, thanks for heads up. I'm aware of this but often only have 1 doc open at a time. Are you thinking of using something like this instead of current document?
tell document 1 -- as far as I can tell there is only ever 1 document0
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