C1 14.2 (M1 compatible) still on OpenCL for non-M1 !!!!
from the Release notes:
Hardware Acceleration on Windows and Intel-based Apple machines still runs through OpenCL.
This must be a joke !
Still unable/not willing to implement correctly an "supported" OS (Mojave in this case).
I thought C1 was on a better track, I see that they won't spend an Euro if it is not to gain more customers. So the established customer base on Intel Macs can just go f*k themselves.
A scandal !
I agree and opened a request.
This is disappointing.
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I too am still on Mojave and with Open CL C1 runs as it should. Where exactly is the problem now?
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That OpenCL is very slow compared to Metal - and is usually considered as "deprecated".
As they implemented (and boasted about) Metal on M1, my expectation was that it would be supported for Intel Macs as well.
But no.
Almost all of the other major image editors made the step many weeks ago, but C1 doesn't care.
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So disappointing.
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I concur with the OP; when I received the email this morning announcing M1 and Metal support, I jumped for joy as C1P has been a total DOG on Intel Mac's because of their use of OpenCL and not Metal, a next-gen API that has now been around several YEARS!
Yet what do we find??? Metal is ONLY utilized on the latest M1 Mac's, Intel customers left out in the cold, and the usual 40% discount to buy C1P.
PhaseOne has finally demonstrated they don't give a FUCK about their established customer base, all they care about is selling as much of their product as they can, fuck supporting existing clients.
This is ABSURD!!!
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I completely agree. Even "old" (my MBP is late 2013) computers support Metal. Why does Capture One stand with Open CL ? Many of us expected this update would allow Capture One to suuport M1 and, in any case (M1 or Rosetta 2), Metal. They are late.....
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This is unbelievable, what a ridiculous limitation. C1 should have worked on supporting Metal the MINUTE Apple announced they were deprecating OpenCL all the way back in 2018!!
Instead we get this half-baked upgrade specifically for M1 Macs. I suspect that if Apple hadn’t released its own hardware, we’d be stuck with OpenCL until Apple fully drops it from Mac OS (which is inevitable btw).
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I must say I´m too surprised even with my already negative view of this company but when you go to linkedin and look up the new CEO you immediately understand why this guy was hired and how the future will look like.
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Could you elaborate a bit?
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Mac users are very angry little men, aren't they?
I'm not surprised that Capture One isn't inclined to do right by you.
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So, what is still Danish in C1P ?
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C1P don’t care.
Once you have paid, you are no longer of any interest to them.
New customers with fresh money is what they want.
I think C21 is my last upgrade.
Why pay more for nothing useful?2 -
....when you look at the resume of this guy you know why he got this position. marketing and sales is all the new c1 cares about, very different to the beging of this company.
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If you were neglected by this company, you'd feel the same way, no need to bring your anti-Apple trolling here.
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@ keith R go f..k yourself !
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Solution is easy: stop paying.
That will hurt them at the right place1 -
This ignorance towards the overwhelming majority of INTEL users is simply scandalous. For over two years it has been pointed out like a mantra that this OPENCL scrap should finally be replaced by METAL. No trace of it, just succinctly it says from the support - switch off the hardware acceleration -. I have a high-performance iMac and notice again and again that the controls have a significant delay, the beach ball can only be seen in C21. The fact is that my subscription will end this year!
There are plenty of other fish in the sea ...1 -
@Keith R: Not every Apple user though. Somehow C1 still runs fine on my 2017 MBP, just like it did yesterday and all the days before. It must be a very special machine.
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@Emile G: It works, sure, but there's major performance and efficiency gains to be had by switching to Metal 2. That and just matching the rest of the industry should be reason enough. Additionally, since Intel-based Mac OS supports Metal, there's no reason to not offer it since Phase One did the leg work to bring Metal to their M1 build
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yes ! apple is warning since many years that OpenCL support will be dropped and I would not be surprised if this happens soon. but considering all the issues opencl causes with c1 it is really insane they keep ignoring user and problems !
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@Ivan, I would rather have had the speed gain on Intel too, but it’s hardly the end of the universe as some are trying to portray it. As it must be a pain to maintain two codebases I assume it will happen at some point.
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@ Emile Gregoire
sure it will happen one day but a reasonable company would have implemented it years ago
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I'll just leave it here;
C1P with Metal is faster than C1P OpenCL on a iMac 5K Late 2015
Initially the plan was to implement Metal on Intel based Macs as well but they had far more problem than they have expected and I'm told it is still planned for the future but not for 14.2
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And guys do not attack Keith R, he is just an insignificant person, he does this every time, as a Windows user comes to Mac side and upset you. Because he is a little man
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When I saw that a specific reference to Open CL was deleted from the preferences, I thought that meant it was deleted from the code and that Metal was being used. The preferences say Hardware Acceleration is being used, but does not specify which. Silly me.
Still, at least using my iMac Pro, I have very good performance. I have a 61,000 image catalog. It opens in 28 seconds using the dual monitor workspace and can display All Images in under 5 seconds. All else is quite snappy. I have Hardware Acceleration set to "auto." I almost never see the beach ball, except when C1 pauses processing to backup a catalog.
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Just imagine if they hadn't stopped cold half-way, what your iMac Pro could deliver with Metal...
It's not only the fact that they kept OpenCL, it's the fact that they tried to "hide" it but removing the mention in the Preferences, and by only telling about it in the Release Notes.
For me, this is very close to intellectual dishonesty, something I cannot accept.
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Sadly dishonestly is nothing new with CaptureOne.
Their pricing schemes and advertising are borderline fraudulent.
So Metal won't work even if you were to buy a brand new 16" Macbook Pro? Those run on an Intel CPU so.. wow. That's really disappointing.
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Guys, I’m disappointed as well which I’ve expressed this during beta phase. However I’m quite sure the problems they have seen is bigger than they’ve expected and the software wasn’t working with M1 Apple computers properly, so I think they had to make a sensible decision.
Again, should they have started on this 6 years ago, hell yes. Have they tried at least, yes. I can guess now, at least it is on their pipeline and they will test it more. I can also guess, developing Metal for M1 is much easier because it is one system only. Developing Metal for all Intel based machines might be bit more difficult, due to vast variety in between them. I don’t know, I’m just speculating here.
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