Shoot from camera to cloud instantly and share photos in real-time with teams and clients anywhere in the world.
No more downloading or emailing massive files back and forth or wondering which photo is the most recent one. Gather feedback via comments, star ratings, and color tags all in Capture One.
Adjust your shots and everyone sees the same image with up-to-date edits.
Learn how to:
✓ Share a collection of photos to Capture One Live
✓Monitor feedback and comments
Working as a reviewer in Capture One Live? Learn how to do that here
I would have like to be able to import comments in a (dedicated/specified) text file at the closure time of a shared session. Each comment could be prefixed by the author (if known) and a date time stamp. You do not adress at all how to handle these comments, excepted to connect to the session with the browser which is not necessarily the best way to handle this.
Functionality without utility.
I, who manage sharing, cannot see the comments.
What is it for? This system of sharing with collaborators does not allow me to collaborate with anyone.
At most they can put me the stars and colors ...
Who is it invented this thing?
I tried to send a link to a client twice. Live sessions are supposed to last one month. Both time, the session appeared "closed" after one week without I did anything. In both case my client had to give me his selection manually. Is there some bugs ?
how can i see the comments of my client in my Session???? please help! i have been searching for a while now...
I would like to see the ability for my manual sorting of images to be reflected within the shared link so that I may be in control of how the edit is displayed to the client and not the timestamp of the image.
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