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Add image (file) size in MB to Metadata properties tab

Not currently planned



  • Official comment
    Mathieu B
    Product Manager

    Hi everyone, 
    Thank you for the suggestion - this is not something we are currently working on.

    This does not mean this is a bad suggestion or that it will never be adressed, but in an effort of transparency we want you to know that we are not currently allocating resources to solving this issue.

    We will revisit the status of this thread if and when it changes.

  • John Hardiman

    I agree with this request, I often need to see the file size and would like see it in Capture One without having to go elsewhere.  Another idea might be to have it available when images are shown in a list view, but the in the metadata list might be more convenient or intuitive.

  • Boris Tomsic

    A definite necessity!
    This has been requested before

  • Carlo Schupp

    I also need this, in order to understand the impact on disk space before deleting files.

  • Chris Saito

    I'm very surprised that we can't see file size of images in Capture One 23. I believe this feature was in previous versions but it was dropped? Either way, this feature should be added back. The most basic free photo editors have this (eg Apple Photos), so it's crazy that it's missing from a feature-rich editor and management software like Capture One.  

  • Gary Weinkle

    This can't be complicated. No plan to implement. Ridiculous.

  • Mathieu B
    Product Manager

    Hi Gary Weinkle

    The status for this is "not currently planned", which means we are not actively working on it at the moment. It does not mean we will never do it, this status can change.

    We have limited resources and have to pick our battles. This forum helps us gauge the interest in various features from the community and understand in more details the problems that need solving. Topics with enough interest are more likely to get prioritized, and this one is fairly high.

  • Gary Weinkle

    Mathieu, thank you for note.  I'm glad to hear it's fairly high interest so more likely to become actively worked on.  At the same time, I'm amazed that reporting file size isn't quick and simple to implement. Filename, type etc are reported, so why not just as easy to get file size.  It's not like asking for some complicated new editing feature. Thanks again for reply.

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    Hi SFA, I think the request is for files which already exist, not for export.

  • John Hardiman

    When I am working with TIFF files they are typically between about 100MB to 2 or 4 Gigabytes.  Reasons to have file size quickly available are:

    - Is one way to understand which file I'm working with prior to opening it in Photoshop (layers or not for example, or 16bit vs 8 bit)

    -To keep track of any files which have become excessively large and which should be deleted, modified or handled a different way.

    -Understanding quickly what can be sent by email or file sharing services.

    - Quickly filtering for files for a particular type, the largest files being the 'master' files for example.


  • Marc Davies

    I would also like to have this option - seems like it would be. a fairly easy fix to implement and is available in most other photo apps that I use.  

  • Dennis Klos

    I am really surprised that Capture One does not have this feature.

    In Lightroom, you'll find this information in your metadata-panel as well.

  • Bartek Korzeniowski

    You can sort by File Size, so there is a way for accounting for that parameter by the CO. Still it would be really useful to see the size next to the image. 

  • Jon Bradley


    Please can I add my voice to this request.

    I find it astonishing that it doesn't exist in software that is clearly aimed at creative professionals.

    Come on Capture One, please sort this out asap!



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