- Noticeboard Announcements from Capture One, important news updates, and more.
- Known bugs A list of bugs that we're aware of, and some that we need help reproducing.
- Capture One Pro (16.x) Receive help from other users and discuss topics related to Capture One Pro (16.x).
- Capture One mobile Receive help from other users and discuss topics related to Capture One for iPad and iPhone.
- Capture One Live Discuss all topics related to Capture One Live here
- Capture One Studio
- Capture One Enterprise
- Account, activation, payments For anything to do with your Capture One account, purchases, and activations.
- Development and Automation Workflows - Scripting Discussion regarding all scripting related questions Please DO NOT post to this thread anything that is not directly...
- Development and Automation Workflows - Capture One Plugin SDK Forum for developers of plugins to Capture One
- Forum feedback For feedback related to the forum and help center – please use the appropriate topics for Capture One feedback.
- Tutorials and livestreams Get the best start possible with Capture One, or learn something new.
- Beginners questions New to the world of photography? Ask your questions here and get answers from experienced members of the community.
- Photography talk For all topics related to photography in general and not specific to a Capture One release.
- Fujifilm RAW converter Get support from fellow Capture One and Fujifilm RAW converter users.
- Capture One 22 (15.x)
- Legacy software (Capture One 21 and older) Discuss matters related to Capture One 21 (14.x) and older.
Starting 14/02/2025, the Capture One forum will become read-only. This means that while existing discussions will remain accessible, no new posts or comments will be published after this date.
Since October 2024, we've been dealing with an overwhelming amount of spam and bot activity. To better manage our resources and reduce the impact on our Support and Engineering teams, we are taking this step while we explore future options for our community.
We remain committed to preserving the valuable content shared in the Capture One forums. Over time, we will migrate key discussions and insights into support articles, static pages, or other potential forum platforms, should we decide to go in that direction.
Thank you for your patience and input as we navigate this transition. We appreciate your continued support and engagement.