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"blur brush" or simply negative sharpening value needed

Not currently planned



  • Jens

    Agreed, this would be a very useful addition

  • Jean-Paul Gerardy

    Yes, I need a blur tool too, for portrait or landscape.

  • Class A

    It's been two months and this request has not been labelled yet.

  • Krzysztof Wandrasz

    It would be a great tool.


  • Prasad Palaniyandi

    It will be useful tool to enhance long exposure and vignette etc..

    Just Gaussian Blurr mechanism is good enough...

  • Tyler Nelson

    i made a post about defocus & motion blur tools that got archived and was told to upvote this post. i believe my request was different enough but i'll mention again here.
    the types of blurs i'm looking for would enhance or increase what can be done optically or in camera. applied in various ways; through a brush or radial & linear gradient.
    example: directional/radial/zoom blurs to enhance motion from a slow shutter; defocus/bokeh blur to decrease depth of field; gaussian blur enhances lens vignette, hides moire & aliasing.
    summary: add a variety of blur styles to enhance photographic techniques applied through the existing layer mask tools.

  • shanon stevens

    Please add a blur tool.
    I was surprised to find there isn't one already.

  • Class A

    FWIW, choosing negative values for both "Clarity" and "Structure" achieves blurring effects.

    I agree, though, that a different blurring approach should be available (e.g., Gaussian blur).

  • CarMof




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